


  • This year 7-year-old Yang Qingqing visit to Hong Kong and the Caijiaying twinning .

    今年7岁的杨青青,此次来香港与蔡家结 对子

  • ETCHING FIGURE OF α - QUARTZ TWINNING ON DIFFERENT CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC FACES AND CRYSTAL SYMMETRY Fractal Limit Images of Chaotic Attractors with Crystallographic Symmetries

    α-石英 双晶的腐蚀像在各不同结晶学面上的特征及晶体对称研究具有平面晶体对称性混沌吸引子的分形极限图

  • The most obvious way to limit twinning in IVF is to transfer just one embryo .

    最有效的方式来避免IVF中 妊娠 发生是只移植一个胚胎。

  • The dislocation slip and twinning are the modes of plastic deformation during the hard-drawn .

    冷拔过程的塑性变形为 孪生和滑移, 孪生为主要变形机制;

  • Selection law of deformation twinning variants at elevated temperature in Mg-RE alloy

    稀土镁合金高温形变 孪生变体的选择规律

  • This paper investigated the law of KPB crystal twinning using microcrystallography chemical etching and optical method .

    本文采用显微结晶、化学浸蚀和光学方法研究了KPB晶体的 孪生规律。

  • Gross crystalline imperfections like twinning are apparent to the unaided eye .

    粗的晶体不完整性,如 孪生体可用肉眼看出。

  • The possible slipping and twinning modes in hop metals are summarized .

    综述了 金属可能的滑移和 孪生 变形方式。

  • The result show that twinning take place in all the grains in AZ31 magnesium alloy rolled at300 ℃ .

    实验结果表明,300℃轧制后的AZ31镁合金薄板材的组织中存在大量的 孪晶

  • Investigation of the Twinning in Plastic Deformation of Magnesium Alloy

    镁合金塑性变形中 孪生的研究

  • Highest efficient mono-cystalline or poly-crystalline solar modules . ON REDUCTION OF THE HIGH ORDER TWINNING IN FCC STRUCTURE TO A SINGLE ROTATION RELATIONSHIP

    使用高转换率的单晶式多晶式电池组件。面心立方晶体高次 孪晶化为一次旋转对称关系

  • Deformation twinning is an important mechanism during plastic deformation .

    结果 发现,变形 孪晶 影响 不锈钢塑性变形的重要机制。

  • Mechanism of the twinning induced transformation impact of stacking fault energy on TWIP effect and impact of microstructure on mechanical properties of the steel were introduced .

    介绍了 孪晶诱发相变的微观机理,层错能对TWIP效应的影响以及显微组织对钢的力学性能的影响。

  • Long experience also in Africa shows that such twinning arrangements are mutually beneficial .

    非洲以及其它 区域的长期经验显示,这类 结对 伙伴安排对彼此都有益。

  • Also both the number and the width of shear bands were increased which cut twinning bands and refine more area of microstructure .

    同时剪切带的数量和宽度都增加, 产生 相互 交错并切割 孪晶 板条,使基体的细化面积增大。

  • The increment of strain and strain rate induces mechanical twinning and lamellar microstructures form ;

    应变量和应变速率的增加诱发了机械 孪生,形成了片层状孪晶;

  • Tandem Inhibin Gene Immunization to Induce Sheep Twinning

    串联抑制素基因免疫诱导绵羊 孪生 研究

  • Identical twinning can begin only inside the Fallopian tube .

    同卵 孪生可能只在输卵管内开始发育。

  • The effect of twinning on plastic deformation is presented .

    分析了 孪生 过程对塑性变形的作用;

  • Although the twins in a martensite grain corresponding the same twinning plane exhibited the same EDP the electron waves from these twins were noncoherent scattering each other .

    同一马氏体晶粒中具有相同 孪生面的孪晶,尽管其具有相同的电子衍射谱(EDP),但它们在电子衍射中却是一些非相干散射体。

  • Effect of slip and twinning systems on the polycrystal plastic model for magnesium alloy

    基于滑移/ 孪生 耦合模型的镁合金多晶体塑性成形分析

  • Earlier this year Mr Zhao Shen Chairman County Council Siyang County lead a mission to Italy where Siyang has twinning partners in Pavia and Casale Monferrato .

    泗阳与意大利的Pavia和Casale Monferrato是合作伙伴城市。今年早些时候,泗阳县县委书记赵深率团赴意大利访问。

  • Most of cavities which hinder the growth of twinning distribute on the grain boundaries and twinning boundaries .

    低温 变形中会产生部分孔洞,孔洞大多分布在 孪晶界和晶界处,对孪晶生长起阻碍作用。

  • The dominant recrystallization mechanisms in moderate temperature include continuous recrystallization and twinning recrystallization .

    AZ31 合金板材中温 变形条件下的再结晶机制包括持续 动态再结晶和 孪生 动态再结晶。

  • Using our software we can calculate in each case what the expected risk of twinning will be says Holte .

    霍尔特说“使用我们的软件,我们可以计算在每一种情况下的预期的双 妊娠风险是多少”。

  • Twinning and dislocation slip have been proven to be the dominant model of plastic deformation when the temperature is bel .

    当温度在动态再 结晶温度以下时,材料的塑性变形主要是: 孪生、位错滑移。

  • We systematically investigated the fivefold twinning structure in Ag nanowires by means of transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) .

    本文对Ag纳米线中的五次 孪晶结构进行了深入系统的透射电镜研究。

  • Stretched on the ground was another fawn and we realized that the doe had just finished twinning .

    还在地上打滚的是另一只小鹿,我们这才了解到这只母鹿才刚刚完成 分娩

  • Experimental Study for the Influence of Twinning on the Plastic Deformation of Pure Polycrystalline Titanium


  • On reduction of the high order twinning in fcc structure to a single rotation relationship

    面心立方晶体 高次 孪晶化为一次旋转对称关系