




  • Meeting Lord portish and his wife . I was pleasantly surprised by their unceremonious relaxed attitude to life .

    遇到 鲍提施爵士及其夫人后,我惊喜于他们对生活 随意轻松的态度。

  • She finished the meal with unceremonious haste .


  • He was bundled out of the room with unceremonious haste .

    他被 粗暴 屋外

  • Got the heave-ho in a very unceremonious manner ; gave the employee the old heave-ho .

    以非常 随便的方式被解雇;解雇职员。

  • According to different form of spontaneous music behavior it can be classified into unceremonious spontaneous music behavior and formless spontaneous music behavior In the feature study pleasantness the unity of children 's feeling changing accord to the circumstances and suddenly occurring were adopted .

    在对幼儿自发音乐行为进行特征分析时,研究 总结出幼儿 自发音乐行为的特征:愉悦性、整体性、情境性和即发性。

  • Unceremonious dismissal from office .

    随便的从办公室 打发 出去

  • An abrupt and unceremonious dismissal .

    突然而且 随便的解雇。