unbalanced circuit

[ʌnˈbælənst ˈsɚkɪt][ʌnˈbælənst ˈsə:kit]


  • The three-phase unbalanced load of low voltage area will do harm to the electrical equipment and will increase the technical circuit loss .

    低压台区中的负荷 平衡 运行将会对台区用电设备产生危害并会增加技术 线损

  • Research on Improving Reactive Power Measure Precision for Complete Unbalanced Three-phase Circuit

    完全 平衡三相 电路无功功率测量精度的探讨

  • Analysis and precautions of unbalanced circuit arousing engine breakdown

    不对称 电路引起电机故障的分析及防治

  • The Circuit Loss Rate Analysis of Three-Phase Unbalanced Circuit

    三相 平衡 线路的线损分析

  • And the conductive interference caused by the unbalanced traction current is the main interference source of track circuit .

    其中由 平衡牵引回流引起的传导性干扰是轨道 电路的主要干扰源。

  • Transients in unbalanced three-phase circuit and measurement of power factor

    三相 平衡 电路的暂态过程及功率因数的测量

  • The basic principle of the track circuit and the generating mechanism of the unbalanced traction current on the track circuit are also introduced and analyzed .

    介绍和分析了轨道 电路的基本原理及 平衡牵引回流在轨道上的产生机理。

  • This paper describes measurement and analysis technique for a conductive interference on an electrified railway and provides the testing method of noise source in an electrical locomotive and of unbalanced current in a track circuit .

    提供准确地测试和分析传导性干扰的技术、电力机车干扰源及轨道 电路 平衡电流的方法。

  • Unbalanced loading of turbine generator induced rotor currents at twice the supply frequency ( 100 Hz ) with consequent heating of solid iron and other damping circuit which limited the negative sequence capability of the machine .

    汽轮发电机的 平衡负载将使转子感应出两倍工频(100Hz)的涡流,引起转子铁芯及其阻尼 电路的发热,从而限制了发电机的负序能力。

  • The design of negative sequence protection is mainly introduced with seriously unbalanced power supply voltage fault open phase fault and two-phase short circuit fault .

    从电源电压严重 平衡故障、断相故障和两相 短路故障三方面介绍了负序保护方案设计;

  • When the unbalanced traction current is larger than a certain limit the conductive interference can be received by the receiver of the track circuit which can cause the misoperation of the track circuit and affect the safety of the train operation .

    平衡牵引电流超过一定的限值时,产生的传导性骚扰会被轨道 电路接收端接收,从而引起轨道电路误动,影响行车安全。

  • Computation Method for Unbalanced Heavy Current Circuit Electrical Parameters

    平衡大电流 线路电参数的计算方法

  • Active power filter can compensate current components which include distortion and negative sequence current components when it is used in unbalanced three-phase circuit .

    电力有源滤波器能动态补偿 不对称三相 电路的畸变电流、负序电流分量。