


  • A rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin in the American diet is the yolk of chicken eggs .

    鸡蛋 蛋黄是黄素和玉米黄质的主要来源在美国饮食结构中。

  • Research on High Pressure and Heat Treatment on the Protein of Egg Yolk

    高压和热处理对 蛋黄 体系中蛋白质的影响

  • Application of bio-preservatives nisin and natamycin and their composition in the soochow style egg yolk moon cake was studied .

    研究了乳酸链球菌素与纳他霉素及其两者复合对苏式 蛋黄月饼的防腐效果。

  • Will be separated from the egg yolk protein egg yolks into a meeting of a sub-items before mixing .

    将鸡蛋蛋白和 蛋黄分开,把蛋黄一个一个分次倒入到前项进行搅拌。

  • I and the baby like a child do not like boiled egg yolk .

    我和宝宝小时候一样,不爱吃煮的 蛋黄

  • If the yolk is properly balanced the egg will stand .

    如果 蛋黄完全平衡了,鸡蛋就会立起来。

  • Objective To obtain IgY and study on the expression of it in egg yolk .

    目的获得鸡卵黄抗体,并研究该抗体在鸡的 中表达的 进程

  • Yolk is a particularly good source of iron .


  • Extraction rate product purity and color are key points to evaluate the extraction effects of egg yolk lecithin .


  • In addition four months my baby you can add egg yolk ?

    另外,四个月时,我的孩子可以添加 蛋黄吗?

  • Only the yolk contains cholesterol .

    只有 蛋黄含有胆固醇。

  • The fatty acids of egg white and yolk from eggs and duck eggs were detected which indicated that monounsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA of yolk were higher than those of egg white .

    测定了各种鸡蛋和鸭蛋蛋清和 蛋黄中脂肪酸的构成,发现蛋黄中的单不饱和脂肪酸比蛋清的高。

  • Onion-flavored creamy white sauce with egg yolk and grated cheese .

    洋葱调味的 蛋黄和干酪屑做成的白色乳脂状沙司。

  • The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle

    调味汁不能煮沸,不然 蛋黄会凝结的。

  • The yolk sac and yolk stalk on one of them were well preserved .

    观察了 例人胚外形,其中一例还有保存良好的 卵黄囊和卵黄蒂。

  • They may be soluble ( those in egg yolk and Blood plasma ) or insoluble ( those in cell membranes ) in water and water solutions .

    有的可以溶解于水和水溶液(在 蛋黄和血浆中的)有的则不能溶解(在细胞膜中的)。

  • The cholesterol in powder of duck egg yolk was measured by HPLC and colorimetry method after direct saponification in this paper .

    试验通过直接皂化-比色法和直接皂化-HPLC两种方法测定了鸭蛋 蛋黄粉中胆固醇的含量。

  • Fold the cream into the egg yolk mixture .

    把奶油调入 蛋黄液中。

  • Certain pigment colours were painted on to dry plaster using tempera ( where egg yolk is used to fix the pigment )

    使用蛋彩画颜料(内含可以定色的 蛋黄)在干石膏上绘出了特定颜色。

  • Combine the egg white the yolk and the chocolate-butter mixture ; gently mix well .

    将打发的蛋清和 蛋黄以及巧克力黄油混合,轻轻搅拌均匀。

  • It 's crab with egg yolk . It 's our specialty .


  • In Russia we also use egg yolk instead of shampoo for such problem so I will try that too .

    在俄罗斯,我们还可以使用 蛋黄,而不是为这样的问题洗发水,所以我会尝试这一点。

  • You have yolk on your chin .

    你的下巴沾着 蛋黄

  • The fry have hatched and have huge yolk sacs .

    南联盟已孵化和巨大的 卵黄囊。

  • If you like the yolk of salted eggs you can insert one in the centre .

    如果你喜欢 咸蛋 ,你可以在中间加入一个。

  • They fed it with egg yolk and other nutritious foods .

    他们用 蛋黄和其他富有营养的食物喂养它。

  • Researchers found the protein in the egg had become solid although the egg yolk was still in liquid form .

    研究员发现了蛋白质在蛋变得坚实虽然 蛋黄仍然是以液体形式。

  • These are found in two parts of the egg the yolk and the white .

    这些东西含在鸡蛋的两部分, 蛋黄和蛋白之中。

  • Mix in egg yolk and water until just combined .

    放入 蛋黄和水充分混合。