


adj.较年轻的年幼的( young的比较级 )有朝气的年轻人的青年的

  • They looked younger than I knew them to be

    他们看起来比我所知道的 实际 年龄

  • Politicians usually attract younger women dare I say it because of the status they have in society .

    恕我直言,由于政客的社会地位,他们通常容易吸引 一些 年轻的女性。

  • Tom was in some ways a younger clone of his handsome father

    汤姆某些地方长得和他那帅气的父亲一模一样,只是 年轻 一些

  • I wish I 'd discovered photography when I was younger


  • The younger generation tell me that religion is ' old hat ' and science has proved this .


  • Many returners are far better at working with people than they were when they were younger .

    很多重返工作岗位的人比她们 年轻的时候更善于和人们共事。

  • Hester is overshadowed by her younger and more attractive sister .

    赫斯特在她那 年轻而且姿色更胜一筹的妹妹面前黯然失色。

  • I saw in him a mirror image of my younger self

    我在他身上看见了 年轻时的自己。

  • In her younger days my mother had been a successful fashionwear saleswoman .

    我妈妈 年轻时曾经是个成功的时装销售员。

  • He should give way to a younger more decisive leader .

    他应该让位于 年轻、更有决断力的领导者。

  • He may be supplanted by a younger man

    他可能会被一个 年龄 的人取代。

  • I 'm only 5ft tall and I look younger than my age

    我才5英尺高,显得比 实际年龄

  • His sense of guilt had its roots in his childhood loss of his younger sister

    他的负疚感源于他在童年失去了 妹妹

  • Anne 's not getting any younger .

    安妮一点没有变 年轻

  • And would you believe it he 's younger than me !

    你信吗?他比我 年轻

  • Smoking is becoming increasingly prevalent among younger women

    抽烟在 年轻女性中变得越来越常见。

  • She had a twin brother and a younger brother .

    她有一个双胞胎哥哥和一个 弟弟

  • Oh so you 're Peter 's younger brother

    哦,那么你是彼得的 弟弟

  • I would have been much wiser to start my own pension plan when I was younger .

    我要是 年轻 时就开始自己的养老金计划就明智多了。

  • She is younger than I am .


  • He played with his younger brother .

    他和 弟弟一起玩。

  • If I was younger or more naive the criticism would have destroyed me .

    如果我再 年轻 一些,或是再单纯一些,那些批评可能就会把我给毁了。

  • You are younger than I by much .

    你比我 年轻得多。

  • He had mentored scores of younger doctors .

    他指导过许多 年轻的医生。

  • As a child she fought with her younger sister

    她小时候会和 妹妹打架。

  • I have a younger brother .

    我有一个 弟弟

  • She vacillates between men twice her age and men younger than she

    她犹豫不决,不知道是该选择年龄比她大一倍的男人还是比她 的男人。

  • Her husband had moved in with a younger woman

    她丈夫和一个 年轻的女人同居了。

  • Women over 40 seem to be just as capable of carrying a baby to term as younger women .

    年过40的女性好像和 年轻女性一样能够怀孕到足月。