


  • Small tough woody zamia of Florida and West Indies and Cuba ; roots and half-buried stems yield an arrowroot .

    佛罗里达、西印度和古巴的一种小而硬的木质 泽米;根部和一半的茎 生长竹芋。

  • Any of various chiefly tropical American cycads of the genus zamia having a thick usually underground trunk palmlike terminal leaves and seeds borne in woody cones .

    泽米一种主要 生长在美洲热带 地区 泽米属苏铁科植物,其树干很粗,通常长在地下,生有掌状顶生叶子,而且种子生于木本球果中。

  • This is the second discovery of vessel in cycads after the first discovery of vessel in Zamia furfuracea .

    这是继鳞秕 泽米铁中发现导管之后再次在苏铁类植物中发现导管。

  • Any of several evergreen species of the genus Zamia native to southern florida mexico and the West indies having compound leaves unisexual cones and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot .

    泽米 任一泽米属常绿植物,原产于美国佛罗里达、墨西哥及西印度群岛, 有复叶, 有雌雄异体的 球状 花朵,其明显膨大的地下茎可制成类似竹竽粉的淀粉。