


  • We bellowed our Yuletide toasts over the hail that had started pelting the corrugated iron roof .

    我俩高喊着为 圣诞节干杯, 声音盖过了敲打着波浪形铁皮屋顶的冰雹声。

  • Mary Alice : The best christmas ever & that 's what the residents of wisteria lane were dreaming of as they prepared for their annual yuletide festival .

    玛丽·爱丽丝:最棒的一个圣诞节&这是 维斯特拉 小区居民们期盼他们 着手 打造 目标

  • You can use pinecones to create a very special Yuletide menorah .

    你可以用它来做一种非常特别的 圣诞烛台。

  • Christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the Yuletide season . On the day of Christmas all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ .

    这是 所有 传统中最 有趣的一个。 圣诞季人们向邻居们分发圣诞糖果;圣诞节那天,所有误会与仇恨统统 化解,邻里之间团结一致共同庆祝耶稣的诞生。

  • But nothing gets you in the mood for yuletide cheer quite like a tacky Christmas sweater .

    但是没有什么像俗气的圣诞节毛衣那样能使你 拥有 圣诞节的欢乐心情。

  • While I tell of Yuletide treasure . fa-la-la la-la-la la-la-la .

    当我讲述 圣诞节宝藏的时候。

  • In today 's drawing American cartoonist Stuart Carlson portrays a typical Yuletide scene with a comic twist .

    在今天的漫画中,美国漫画家斯图尔特-卡尔森描绘了一个典型的 圣诞节 期间 场面,这一场面带有意想不到的滑稽变化。

  • Our yuletide myth-making might like to imagine that Christmas is made by rosy-cheeked elves hammering away in a snow-bound log cabin somewhere in the Arctic Circle .

    我们的 圣诞神话可能更喜欢想象,在北极圈里某个银装素裹的小木屋,里面脸颊红润的小精灵锤锤打打造出了圣诞饰品。

  • But in China the whole of December is black December as retailers compete for that Yuletide renminbi .

    但在中国,整个12月都是黑色的, 其间零售 商会 彼此 展开竞争,争取在 圣诞节 前后 人民币。