Method The joints of scar contraction were treated with Z - plasty or split thickness skin graft or flap .
方法对瘢痕挛缩的关节充分松解,采取 Z改形,植皮, 皮瓣等 修复方法。
Comparison of Z-shape plasty with free flap transplantation for treating Dupuytren 's contracture
Z 字成形术与游离 植皮术治疗掌腱膜挛缩症的比较
In the 11 tissue defect patients 2 cases received local lysis 5 cases received Z-shape plasty and 4 cases got pedicle flap reconstruction .
其中11例组织缺损者分别行局部松解2例、 Z 形成形5例、带蒂皮 瓣修复4例。
Epicanthus correction by improved Z flap
改良的 Z 瓣 转移矫正内眦赘皮
Wound repair with the fasciocutaneous flap of double reverse Z-plasty
两侧反向 Z 成形筋膜 皮瓣修复创面
The principles of Z plasty and advantages of the basilar nasal triangular flap were adopted in this operation . The pathological changes following transfer of the tissue from the upper lip were almost avoided in this operation .
手术方法采用了 Z成形原理,吸取了鼻底三角 瓣的优点,基本上消除了上唇组织移位的病理改变。
Conclusion It is a good method to treat CCBS using bands excision multiple Z-shaped skin flap suture periosteotomy drilling through cortical bone .
结论束带切除多 Z 皮瓣缝合同时切开骨膜骨皮质钻孔是治疗该病的良好方法。
Methods To design a tongue shape flap at the tangent of the skin defect make it in a anisomerous Z form . In this way one of the skin flap is a triangle the other is in a tongue form .
方法:在创面一侧的切线上设计一舌形皮瓣,使其成为一不对称 Z形 皮瓣,即一个 皮瓣呈三角形,另一个 皮瓣呈舌形。
Methods : Repair surgery treatment of mild cases with the 5-flap procedure and Z-plasty that of severe cases with parascapular plap and lateral thoracic island or a local rotational flap plus free skin graft .
方法:轻度患者一般采用五瓣法或 Z 成形 术整复,重度患者采用肩胛旁轴型皮瓣,侧胸岛 状 皮瓣或 全厚皮加邻近 皮瓣整复术。
The application of continuous flap Z-plasty in repairing webbed scar of abdominal
连续 Z 成形 术修复下腹部蹼状瘢痕
Mathematical-Principle Study and application of Triple Z Flap Technique
三 Z成形术的数学原理研究及其应用
The skin of cheek was crossed by Z flap to prevent the scar from shrinking straightly and the thin tissues from depressed deforming .
颊部皮肤“以 Z ” 瓣交叉,避免瘢痕直线收缩和组织菲薄的凹陷性畸形。
Methods Improved unilateral flap operation was performed in 106 cleft palate patients . In order to prolong soft palates Z flap cross suture was carried out on part of patients with short soft palates .
方法对106例腭裂患者行改良单侧瓣手术,部分软腭较短者采用 Z交叉以延长 软腭。
The second : excising the midline mucous membrane pushing back the mucosal flap of the hard palate reconstructing the sling of the levator veli palatini muscle and making Z-plasty on the mucosa near nasal cavity .
术式二:切除隐裂区粘膜,单瓣后推腭粘膜 骨膜 瓣,腭帆提肌吊带重建, 软腭鼻腔侧粘膜 Z 成形,同步延长软腭,封闭裂隙。
Repair round and ellipse skin defect with improved Z flap
改良 Z 形 皮瓣修复圆形或椭圆形皮肤缺损
[医] Z字形瓣