youthful days

[ˈjuθfəl dez][ˈju:θful deɪz]


  • Bring back lots of blissful memories of the austerities of my youthful days in Vraja .

    带回来很多我 年轻 时候在布茹 阿佳苦行的极乐的记忆。

  • A life course youthful days once too much anxiety full of charm had too many moving .

    回首人生历程, 青春 年少曾经太多的忧虑,魅力四射时曾经太多的感动。

  • In other words it ` s the adolescent confusion and the exposure to the real world that make youthful days so special .

    换言之,正是青春期的困惑以及现实生活中所遭受的种种 压力赋予了 青年 特殊的意义。

  • The matches now lay between a tinder-box and an old iron saucepan and were talking about their youthful days .

    现在的比赛打下之间的打火盒和一个旧铁锅,并说他们的 青春

  • Meanwhile the professional conceptions value orientations ways of thinking and behavioral habits of college students have been influenced profoundly in their youthful days .

    对于 青年 时期的大学生的职业思想观念、职业价值取向、职业思维方式、职业行为习惯等诸多方面都会受到这些变化发展的影响。

  • We will cherish all those sweet memories and youthful days .

    我们会铭记所有的美好的回忆,珍藏这些 青春 飞扬 日子

  • Casting her mind back to youthful days she remembered many pleasant walks by this river .

    回想自己的 青春 年代,她忘不了多次在这条河边愉快漫步的情景。

  • Now52 Lord Coe still looks track-ready fit and youthful – although he confesses that these days he is 12 or13 pounds heavier than when he was competing .

    科勋爵今年52岁,但看上去依然健康、 年轻,仿佛随时可以重返跑道。但他自己 坦言,他现在比作运动员时重了“十二、三磅”。