


  • During his stage career he created many lively and unforgettable artistic images .

    在他的舞台生涯中,他塑造了许多生动且 令人 难以 忘怀的艺术形象。

  • He created many unforgettable characters in his novels .

    他在他的小说中创造了很多 令人 难忘的人物。

  • I firmly believe that it is the intrinsic beauty of nature that portrays this unforgettable painting in my memory .

    我深信是大自然与生俱来的力量和美丽赐予了我那幅 永生 难忘的画面。

  • I think even a lifetime of time all unforgettable memory of you .

    我想,即使一辈子的时间,都 不了记忆中的你。

  • Wishes you to have a specially unforgettable birthday !

    祝您有一个特别 难忘的生日!

  • Afterwards my piano teacher and her husband introduced me to this unforgettable Chinese restaurant .

    结束后,我的钢琴老师和她的丈夫介绍我来了一家 据说 吃后 难忘的中餐馆。

  • He spent so many unforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them .

    他与他们一起度过那么多 难忘的日子,他舍不得离开他们。

  • Today is an unforgettable day to me . I 'll remember this day forever .

    今天对我来说是个 难忘的日子,我会永远记住的。

  • In my life the one who makes me unforgettable is a teacher .

    在我的生命中,令我 难忘的是一位老师。

  • Do something amazing and unforgettable .

    做一些惊人的和 令人 难忘的。

  • They noted down the time and date of this most unforgettable event .

    他们记下了这件最 难忘的事发生的日期和时刻。

  • A bright shooting star or meteor is an unforgettable sight .

    明亮的流星,或者说陨石,是 难忘的景象。

  • Of the teachers who taught you which one do you think was the most unforgettable ?

    教过你的老师中你认为那一个最 难忘

  • I guarantee it will be an unforgettable experience .

    我保证那会是个令人 难忘的经验。

  • We did have a wonderful and unforgettable team building experiences .

    福克思 带给了我们一个精彩和 难忘的团队建设活动。

  • A visit to the Museum is an unforgettable experience

    参观博物馆是一 令人 难忘的经历

  • I am sure I will always remember this an unforgettable experience .

    我相信,我将永远铭记这一次 难忘的体验。

  • Living in that island country for three months was an unforgettable experience for me .

    在那个岛国住了三个月对我是一 难忘的经历。

  • Those have become unforgettable memories of many Chinese people .

    这对很多中国人来说已经是 难以 忘怀的回忆了。

  • Of course Carol had spent an unforgettable night .

    当然,卡萝尔度过了一个 难忘之夜。

  • Love made these things unforgettable .

    爱使得这些事 难以 忘怀

  • We had an unforgettable time in China and we really enjoyed our visit there .

    我们在中国度过了一 难忘时光。我们非常喜欢到中国访问。

  • Today is an unforgettable day to me .

    今天对我来说是一个 难忘的日子。

  • The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life .

    这将是我一生中的 难忘经历。

  • Today we had an unforgettable experience the topic of English Corner is Water and Me .

    今天,我们有了一次 难忘的经历,这次英语角的主题是“我和水”。

  • I 've waited a long time to work with you and the experience was truly Unforgettable .

    我期待了好久能与你一起工作,而和你一起工作的感受真的 无法 忘记

  • Players and coaches blessed their fans with an unforgettable summer moving overwhelming .

    球员和教练来给了他们的球迷一个 难忘的感人的夏天。

  • Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage .

    所有人起立为他 不可磨灭的英勇之举鼓掌。