
[医] 软膏

  • The application of UNG will be more and more important to the improvement of atmospheric the improvement of people 's life quality the change of the energy resource structure promote the sustainable development of national economy .

    城市 天然 的利用,对于改善大气环境、提高人民的生活质量、改变能源结构、促进我国的经济可持续的发展,将起到越来越重要的作用

  • The article has utilized the historical materialism with emphasis carried on the synthesis dialectical analysis on The destiny theory of Wang Ch ' ung .

    文章重点运用了唯物史观,对 王充命论进行了综合辩证分析

  • T ' ung Wang is currently one of greatest directors who can make a balance between business and arts . Almost all of his films relate to the history of humanity in Taiwan and focus on destinies of people in the bottom of society .

    王童 当代 台湾影坛能兼顾艺术 水准和商业 品味的少数杰出导演之一 他的电影几乎都与台湾的人文历史有关,并执着于对台湾底层小人物命运的关注。

  • Effect of Ung . of harmine on mouse epithelial mitosis and epidermal keratinization

    去氢 骆驼 软膏对小鼠上皮细胞有丝分裂及表皮角化的影响