


  • The King 's sword went up the Unicorn 's horn went down . They rushed forward together .

    国王的剑举了起来, 独角 的角往下 。他俩一起跑上前去。

  • Horned viper ; great horned owl ; the unicorn & a mythical horned beast ; long-horned cattle .

    角蛇;大角枭; 麒麟-神话中的有角兽;长角牛。

  • ' You don 't know how to manage looking-glass cakes saidthe Unicorn .

    独角 说:你不懂切镜子屋蛋糕的方法。

  • But we do not know what the unicorn is like .

    但我们不知道是什么样的 麒麟

  • Munitions were canoed across the river . He 's modeling a unicorn in wax .

    军火用独木舟搬运过河。他在用蜡制作 独角

  • Unicorn in harry ` s adventure as well as in classical mythology are pure goodness .

    在哈利的探险故事里,在经典神话中, 独角 都代表这绝对善良。

  • And you sealed it with a unicorn .

    你用 独角 封的

  • For years the tech industry has been waiting on a unicorn device : a great low-priced smartphone .

    多年以来,科技行业都在等待一 独角 一样 罕有的设备 现身:一款出色、价格低廉的智能手机。

  • You are to kill the famous unicorn that is running wild in the forest and doing so much damage .

    树林里有一 闻名的 独角 四处 横行,危害极大,你得杀死它。

  • A monster creature it 's a terrible crime to slay a unicorn .

    那是一个怪物,屠杀 独角 人犯下了很大罪行。

  • The carved figures is no more than unicorn appearance and as a champion of things .

    雕的人物,也无非是 麒麟 送子、状元及第等一类东西。

  • So there is a chance that the Baron is covered in Unicorn blood .

    所以说,有可能巴罗身上也布满了 独角 的血。

  • The captain of the Unicorn was led to the royal palace .

    独角 船长被引进王宫。

  • This is a new China-policy unicorn .

    这是对华政策的一个新 神话

  • The giraffe grown in Africa was mistaken for the Qilin ( Chinese unicorn ) in the Ming Dynasty .

    明代将非洲产的长颈鹿比附为 麒麟

  • Unicorn blood can sustain me but it cannot give me a body of my own .

    独角 的血可以让我延续生命,但却无法让我得到自己的身体。

  • It 's like a unicorn having sex with a duck .

    就象 独角 和鸭子睡了。

  • First He said holding up a vile of silver liquid We have unicorn blood .

    首先,“他说,举行了一个邪恶的银液体”我们有 麒麟血。

  • A neighbor said this is the unicorn .

    一名街坊说,这是 麒麟

  • Which he mistook for a unicorn from an ancient Chinese myth .

    因为他将其误认为中国古老传说中的 独角

  • He 's modelling a unicorn in wax .

    他用蜡制作 独角

  • ' The Lion and the Unicorn of course said the King .

    当然是狮子与 独角 。国王说。

  • There 's a man who 's been impaled by what appears to be a unicorn .

    有个男人估计是被 独角 刺穿了。

  • The unicorn is a mythical creature with a single horn .

    独角 是神话中仅长一只角的一种怪兽。

  • If I have experienced both horned animals and horses I can combine those two concepts to form a concept of a unicorn .

    如果我有经验的两角的动物和马,我能把这两个概念形成的一个概念 独角

  • Presumably you won 't be needing the Unicorn tonight ?

    大概您今晚不需要 牛角了吧?

  • We use unicorn hairs phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons .

    我们使用 独角 毛,凤凰尾羽毛,和龙的心弦。

  • Draco 's wand however with a core of unicorn hints to the potential for good .

    然而,德拉科有着 独角 毛的魔杖,暗示了他变好的可能性。