


  • Aunt Hattie was white-haired affectionate active in an unhurried way and an ample and accomplished cook .

    哈蒂阿姨则是一头白发,表情温柔, 做事 有条不紊,做得一手丰盛而可口的菜肴。

  • Adopt a relaxed unhurried speaking style so that people will assume your reaction time is naturally slow .

    采取一种放松的、 不紧不慢的说话方式,这样人们就会认为你是天生的慢性子。

  • There were no tourists only a raven black and unhurried circling at the edge of the cliff .

    只有一只黑色的 乌鸦缓缓 在悬崖边盘旋。

  • Her voice was calm and unhurried .

    她的语调平静, 从容不迫

  • An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth .

    对时间 从容不迫的感觉本身是一种健康的形式。

  • He was calm and unhurried and wore a smiling face .


  • When we are unhurried and wise we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence & that petty fears and petty pleasure are but the shadow of reality .

    在我们 冷静和明智时,我们会感到只有伟大的和有价值的东西才能永恒绝对地存在,而那些微不足道的恐惧和欢乐仅仅是现实的阴影而已。

  • The limpid stream flows in an unhurried manner .

    清澈的溪水 无忧无虑地流淌。

  • The higher the education level athletes for the more thorough understanding of the action it will be a new game should go ahead unhurried .

    运动员文化程度越高,对动作的理解就会越透彻,比赛时就会得新应手, 从容不迫

  • It would have been impermissible to devote a whole year to unhurried debate to presenting facts and reasoning things out .

    那个 时候从容辩论,摆事实,讲道理,搞它一年,不许可。

  • People strolling about in an unhurried way ; an unhurried walk ; spoke in a calm and unhurried voice .

    人们悠闲的 四处游逛; 从容不迫的脚步;声音沉着、从容不迫的说。

  • The unhurried way in which he spoke and the gentle smile on his lips reminded you of an unaffected young girl .

    他那 慢条斯理的样子和款款浅笑的神情, 简直 成敦厚的大姑娘。

  • Mr Obama looks unhurried and presidential exuding natural authority . He is running as though he were the popular incumbent .

    奥巴马显得 从容不迫,有总统气势,散发出天生的威信,好像是受人欢迎的现任总统。

  • Tai Chi Chuan may appear slow and unhurried to an observer but the movements flow together continuously without pause .

    太极拳的动作看来似乎缓慢,但 永不停顿,没有一刻 时候

  • The unhurried waiter asked .

    那个 着急的侍者问道。

  • Life on the island continues at an unhurried pace .

    岛上的生活依然 悠闲

  • Its unhurried but sophisticated citizens boast not only high incomes but also high levels of education .

    波士顿 悠闲但世故的市民不仅以高收入自豪,而且也以教育水准高而自豪。

  • The pace is unhurried and the wine flows steadily .

    餐桌上是 悠闲的,伴随 美酒缓缓

  • He acted in an unhurried manner and did not have any stage fright .

    他表现得 从容自若,一 都不怯场。

  • In an unhurried manner ; slowly .


  • Ingesting food should be unhurried moderate careful in the chewing and slow in swallowing .

    进食时应该 从容缓和, 专心致志,细嚼慢咽。

  • With head tilted and shoulders bent forward he leaned on his trusty cane with each unhurried step .

    他弓着背,头向 上翘 ,手里拄着拐杖,一步一步 向前 移动着。

  • But he did not dare open his mouth just sat there stiffly listening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock .

    可是他没有敢开口。他一直那么规矩地坐着不动,听着 挂钟 响声

  • Since we were then engaged in fighting in the five major movements 1 w_935 and the three great transformations it was impossible for this form of unhurried debate to come into being .

    因为过去是打仗,五大运动1w_964,三大改造,这样 从容辩论的形式不能产生。