unified design

[计] 统一设计

  • Therefore there is no unified design method in engineering field .

    因此,工程界对 Z 截面 还没有 统一 设计方法。

  • Therefore road and bridge is discontinuous because of lacking of a unified design control parameter standards .

    因此,过渡段 设计时缺乏 统一的参数控制标准,导致了路桥间的不连续。

  • Sum-Difference Unified Design of Monopulse Ring-Focus Antenna

    单脉冲环焦天线和差 一体化 设计

  • Government computer management system according to the specific application requires a unified design however due to the different industries and construction history exist between the various government departments a large number of heterogeneous platforms and heterogeneous data .

    政府计算机管理系统需要根据具体的应用范围进行 统一 设计,然而,由于行业及构建历史的不同,各政府部门间存在大量的异构平台以及异构数据。

  • The Unified Design Thought of the Foundational Topographic and Cadastral Database

    一体化基础地形地籍数据库的 设计思想

  • 40 pairs of cataract patients and controls were used the unified design of the questionnaire conducted by the same investigator .

    由同一调查员对40个中年白内障患者及对照本人使用 统一 设计的调查表进行问卷调查。

  • Ignored regional differences in climate the country to adopt a unified design patterns not only unscientific but also increase the cost of garbage disposal of the arid and semi-arid regions .

    忽视地域气候差别,要求全国采用 统一 设计模式,不仅不科学,而且客观上也加大了干旱半干旱地区的垃圾处置成本,造成不必要的浪费。

  • The aim of this set of articles is to describe an effective unified design methodology based on the two complementary approaches of Scenario-Based Design and Outside-In Design .

    本系列文章的目标是介绍一个有效的 统一 设计方法,基于两个互补的方法,基于场景的设计和Outside-InDesign。

  • Electric hoists are widely used for their low price For lack of unified design .

    以电动葫芦为动力装置的升降机由于造价低廉而被广泛使用,但由于没有 统一 设计、制造、安装标准,重大事故时有发生。

  • The unified design and analysis process provided by FLUENT for CATIA leads to improved product quality faster time to market and reductions in large downstream manufacturing costs .

    统一 设计和分析程序,可以改良产品质量,快速的在市场上销售,和减少大量的下游制造业的费用。

  • It is an important issue that how to realize the equalization of essential healthcare services in context of the unified design between urban and rural area and the new healthcare reform .

    城乡居民如何在城乡 一体化和新医改的背景下实现基本医疗卫生服务均等 ,是值得研究的一个问题。

  • Moreover using the unified design technique the CAD frame system can be customized according to the applied field . That is to say the frame applies to other CAD systems as well as the pattern CAD system .

    同时,本文论述的CAD框架系统采用的是 统一 设计方案,平台可根据应用领域的需要作相应剪裁,即除了服装CAD系统架构应用外,对于其它CAD系统也同样适用。

  • According to HER-2 was negative or positive study subjects were divided into case group and control group and carried out face to face surveys by trained investigators on the case and control using unified design of the questionnaire .

    按照HER-2阳性阴性分为病例组和对照组,对50例甲状腺癌患者及对照使用 统一 设计的调查表,由经过培训的调查员对病例和对照本人进行面对面调查。

  • Furthermore the application of the unified design language to conduct an overall planning and design for the whole software ensures consistency and integrity of the GUI development and the whole software development .

    而采用 统一 设计语言UML对软件进行整体规划和设计,确保了GUI开发与软件整体开发的一致性与完整性,有效地将GUI的开发融入到了软件整体的开发过程中。

  • Features and innovative point of the system are embodied in the explanation of system function . A commom database platform is built . A unified design knowledge representation structure which combines frame and object-oriented representation method is proposed .

    在系统功能介绍中体现了系统的特点和本文的创新点。建立了统一的数据库平台,并提出了框架式和面向对象的表示方法相结合的 统一 设计知识表示架构。

  • As one kind of industrial wasteland although there are some design cases and research documentations related to mining wastelands but there is little systematic and unified design theory .

    采矿废弃地作为工业废弃地的一种,虽然有相关的设计案例和文献资料,但是很少有系统性、 统一性的 设计理论研究。

  • With a unified design of the BP detector a multi-rate MIMO system adaptive to channel variations is then developed which aims at achieving the maximal throughput performance .

    基于BP检测器的 统一 结构,接着提出了一种依据信道情况自适应的多速率MIMO系统,可以取得最大系统吞吐量。

  • Based on the unified design variable method the shape and sizing optimization design of jacket platform with dynamic ice-load is investigated .

    基于 统一 设计变量方法,实现了导管架海洋平台在动冰载荷作用下的截面和形状动力优化设计。

  • The research show that systems structural optimization is an unified design of numberical definition numerical beforehand assembly and analysis and imitation based on concurrent engineering frame and an available method for solving structural light weight and improving systems design level of missile .

    研究表明,总体结构优化是基于并行工程框架的数字化定义、数字化预装配和分析、仿真 一体化 设计,是解决导弹结构轻质化、提高导弹总体设计水平的有效途径。

  • Brief Discuss the Unified Design of File Dispose Flow and Archives Management Flow in OA System

    浅谈OA系统中文件处理流程与档案管理流程的 统一 设计

  • In this paper a unified design is made for all the simulators the hardware and software design of simulator is described in detail .

    本文对模拟器进行了 统一 设计,完成了模拟器所有的软硬件设计。

  • In study of essay exploiting the constructing storehouse technical design which base on Oracle + Arcsde construction using the relational database to govern the centralized management of the graph and attribute data realized the chart and attribute unified design management in a real sense .

    论文研究中,采用基于Oracle+Arcsde架构的建库技术设计,用关系数据库集中管理图形数据和属性数据,实现真正意义的图属 一体化 设计管理。

  • This has not only resolved the difficult problem for determining the flow rate of ram air cooling system but also provided the possibility of unified design of the heat exchanger and its air intake .

    这不仅解决了 散热器 设计中冷边流量无法确定的一个难题,而且为散热器和冷边系统的 联合设计提供了方便。

  • Shape Optimization for Truss Dynamics with Unified Design Variables

    桁架动力学形状优化的 统一 设计变量方法

  • A Unified Design Procedure of Air to Air Heat Exchanger and Ram Air Cooling System

    空气-空气散热器和冷边系统的 联合 设计方法

  • Introduction of the Unified Design Approach of Flexual Members in the Code of ACI318 & 02

    ACI318&2002规范抗弯 统一 设计方法简介与分析

  • Unified Design of Bidirectional Mutable Form 2 . Mutable p53 is concerned with gastric cancer .

    双向可变表的 统一 设计2.突变型p53与胃癌的发生有关。

  • The questionnaire is used for National Essential Public Health Practice ( 2009 edition ) which unified design the basic personal information table and the physical examination form .

    所采用的调查问卷为《国家基本公共卫生规范(2009年版)》 统一 设计的个人基本信息表和健康体检表。