under reserve

[ˈʌndɚ rɪˈzɚv][ˈʌndə riˈzə:v]


  • Floor lichen diversity under different vegetation types in Two-river Source Nature Reserve in Altay Mountains Xinjiang

    新疆 阿勒泰山两河源自然 保护 地面生地衣的物种多样性

  • Under such circumstance choosing Research On Foreign Exchange Reserve Management In China At Present as the title the author analyzes and discusses it in detail .

    这种背景下,本人选择中国现阶段外汇 储备管理研究为题,展开了较为深入地分析和讨论。

  • Fifthly make a study on the pricing of the spinning reserve capacity under the known spinning reserve demand level .

    第五, 前述研究基础上进行确定性 备用水平 抽水蓄能电站旋转备用容量电价研究。

  • Study on Effect of Tourism on Surface Runoff under Forests of Lakeside in Jiuzhaigou World Nature Heritage Reserve

    旅游活动对 九寨沟景区湖岸林 地表径流的影响研究

  • Each fleet has bases maritime garrison commands flotillas and squadrons under its command . These are available in this reserve pool .

    舰队 下辖基地、水警区、舰艇支队、舰艇大队等。这些部队在 预备 区域可以使用。

  • Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System

    准备金制度 商业银行储备管理行为

  • Although Fed officials think that such a programme could be legal under the Federal Reserve Act they do not think that funding costs are a big problem in the US and hence doubt its effectiveness .

    虽然美联储官员认为该计划可能并不违背《联邦 储备(federal reserveact),但在他们看来,融资成本在美国并不构成什么大问题,因此,他们对该计划的效力存有疑问。

  • 47a10.documents containing any discrepancies must not be negotiated even under guarantee or reserve without our prior approval .

    单据包含任何不符点,而没有我们的预先核准,即便是 担保条件 也不能 议付

  • In this community there were 113 temperate species which was higher than that of tropical species ( 35 ) which indicated that under the upland condition of this nature reserve a lot of temperate species formed and entered .

    群落中温带性质的种(113种)比热带性质的种(35种)多,说明 山地条件下,在该群落中形成和迁入了大量温带的种类。

  • In the first section I will carefully analyze the context and background under which the discriminatory legal reserve system came into being .

    在第一节中,本文首先对我国差别存款 准备金制度的产生背景 进行细致阐述。

  • The accounting profession has come under harsh criticism from a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors . Only then will the Fed really start to feel impotent .

    联邦 储备委员会的一位官员严厉地批评了会计行业。也许到那时,联邦 储备委员会才会真正感到 回天乏术

  • Under the electronic tax reserve certificates scheme certificates can be purchased by various electronic payment means : bank autopay phone payment Internet payment and bank ATM transfer .

    电子 税券计划 ,纳税人可透过各种电子付款途径购买,包括银行自动转账、电话、互联网及银行自动柜员机等。

  • Decision making model for urban land reserve under limited land reserve funds is formulated according to two land reserve situations based on stochastic inventory theory and methods solution to the model is also presented .

    针对土地储备的两种情形,利用随机库存的理论和方法,构建了有限 储备资金 条件 的土地储备决策模型,并提出了模型的求解方法。

  • Under Federal Reserve Regulation D which governs reserve requirements banks had to hold a non-interest bearing account when they sold a large certificate of deposit in the United States .

    联储D规定 ,该规定管理准备金要求,当银行在美国出售大额存款单时,他们需持有一个无息账户。

  • Under a gold standard increased reserve accumulation would have been deflationary since it would have drained the rest of the world of liquidity .

    金本位制度 ,增加 外汇 储备积累会产生通缩效应,因为它会吸走世界其它国家的流动性。

  • Research on Emotional Bidding Strategies under the Circumstance of Uncertain Reserve Price

    保留价不确定条件 情绪竞价策略研究

  • Under the condition of competitive generation market spinning reserve is an important ancillary service its cost analysis is a problem needed to be urgently resolved .

    竞争的发电市场环境 备用作为一种重要的辅助服务,其成本分析是一个急待解决的问题。

  • Negotiation / payment under reserve of against an indemnity prohibited in that case negotiation should be processed under our approval .

    禁止在有担保 条件 议付/付款,如果在这种情况下,议付应该在我们的许可下进行。

  • Under such circumstances the deposit reserve policy is still a powerful policy tool .

    这种情势下,存款 准备金制度仍然是有力的政策工具。

  • Under most situations reserve cost can be divided into two parts including the fixed cost and variable cost .

    多数情况下, 储存成本可以区分为固定成本和变动成本两部分。

  • NKH and NDC can significantly reduce heart rate under + Gz exposure and improve heart reserve .

    NKH、NDC能明显降低G作用 的心率,增加心脏 储备

  • North-South Confederation under a Single National Title Federal Reserve Clearing House System

    单一国号 的南北联邦制美国联邦 储备 银行交换所制度

  • The conditions under which the reserve transformer is turned on or off are discussed .

    另外,按电能损耗最小原则论述了 备用变压器投入或切除的 条件

  • Second when the financial system starts to recover to keep future inflation under control the Federal Reserve will need to drain the massive amounts of liquidity it has pushed into the financial system during the past year and a half .

    其次,当金融体系开始复苏时,为了 控制未来通胀,美 联储需要消耗过去一年半注入金融体系的巨额流动性。

  • To critics it is now the Bernanke put - the belief that as under Alan Greenspan the US Federal Reserve will always ride to the rescue of Wall Street .

    对批评人士而言,现在是“伯南克对策”(bernankeput)时代人们认为,正如格林斯潘任内一样, 伯南克的领导 ,美 联储也将随时准备拯救华尔街。

  • Using the indices of persity richness and evenness the species persity of shrub and herb layers under forest communities in Liangshui Nature Reserve was studied in this paper .

    该文采用多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数等对凉水自然 保护 森林群落林 灌木层和草本层的物种多样性进行研究。

  • Financials remained under pressure following an increase in the bank reserve ratio the fifth such move in eight months .

    在中国8个月来第五次上调银行 存款 准备金率后,金融类股继续 承压

  • Markets soured the dollar climbed and vulnerable emerging markets came under pressure the day after the US Federal Reserve started to pare back its asset purchases to $ 75bn a month .

    美联储( Fed 宣布将资产购买规模缩减为每月750亿美元的次日,市场恶化、美元升值,脆弱的新兴市场开始 承受压力。

  • Without engagement and under reserve

    不承担义务并 保留 条件