under the conduct of

[ˈʌndɚ ði kənˈdʌkt ʌv][ˈʌndə ðə kənˈdʌkt ɔv]


  • In a society under the rule of law law is the highest code of the conduct of citizens . Because law has the highest potency in which the law regulated all social public and society as guidance the profession as a lawyer came into being .

    法治社会,法律至上,法律是最高的 行为规范,法律具有最高效力;在这种以法律规范指导一切社会生活的社会,律师职业应运而生。

  • Under the present conditions we should carry out the policy of putting prevention first conduct propaganda about and education on the legal system of fire control and standardize the enforcement of the fire control law .

    当前形势下,加级消防法制建设应贯彻预防为主的方针,大力加级消防法制宣传教育,规范消防执法 行为

  • Only under the premise of certain internal and external conditions being available SIF could play a stabilizing role on stock market with the conduct of SIF standardized . Otherwise it would increase stock market volatility .

    只有 某些特定的内外部条件都具备 前提下,基金的 行为才能规范,才能对股市起到稳定的作用,否则会加大股市的波动性。

  • At present multi element useful state analysis is under groping stage orthogonal trial method is applied in the text to conduct extraction test the AB DTPA extraction conditions of multi element useful state extracting agent are optimized .

    多元素有效态分析目前仍 处于探索研究阶段。采用正交试验法 进行浸提试验,优化了多元素有效态浸提剂AB-DTPA 浸提条件。

  • Under the guidance of ecotourism theory the methodology of regional EIA including the characteristics of tourism planning can be introduced to conduct the EIA of tourism planning .

    生态旅游理论为指导,突出反映规划环境影响评价的特点,引入区域环境影响评价的方法学 开展旅游专项规划环境影响评价工作。

  • The natural gas premixed combustion was simulated under different projects and the impact of combustion character was analyzed by heat load surplus air coefficient porosity of the ported ceramic plaque and conduct coefficient of the ported ceramic plaque .

    对不同工况 的天然气预混燃烧进行模拟,并分析了燃烧特性受热负荷、过剩空气系数、多孔陶瓷板开孔率和多孔陶瓷板 导热系数 影响。

  • In order to reduce the disturbance produced by the illumination change after comparison a method was proposed selecting B component under the RGB color model to conduct the separation of leaves .

    为了减少由光照变化产生的干扰,经比较提出了 RGB颜色模型 选取B分量 进行叶片分割 方法。

  • Wall Street observers said that accepting favours from companies under coverage is a breach of the code of conduct of the CFA Institute the trade body .

    多数首席 执行官会许可 这些恳求,但这种大方的 价码很高:如果公司业绩逊色,或进行了一宗风险较高的并购交易,接受帮忙的分析师将不太可能调降 公司的评级。

  • In order to counter the potential inflationary impact of its credit expansion the Fed requested that the Treasury sell special issues of Treasuries under the supplementary financing program not to raise revenue but simply as part of the conduct of monetary policy .

    为了抵消其信贷扩张可能带来的通胀影响,美联储请求财政部 根据补充性融资计划(supplementary financingprogram)发售特别国债,目的不是为了筹集财政资金,而仅仅是货币政策的一部分。

  • Under the restrain of the present social order the government conduct gradually drifts off and even twists so that the local government in its evolution becomes the organ of dictatorship not of service provider .

    然而 当前社会设置 约束 ,政府 行为渐行渐远,发生扭曲,地方政府在运行中成为专政机关而不是为人民服务的机构。

  • Seismic rock produced under additional stress and adjustment process will continue with the earthquake ; situ rock stress and additional stress superimposed stress field formed by the total conduct of earthquake occurrence with the corresponding changes .

    地震作用 岩体产生了附加应力且随地震进程不断调整;原岩应力与附加应力叠加而形成的总 力场随着地震的 进行发生相应改变。

  • No representative agency whose business is under the charge of the MOH may conduct activities in the name of the MOH without approval .

    卫生部业务 主管的代表机构未经批准,不得以卫生部的名义 开展活动。

  • For in early times the Hellenes and the barbarians of the coast and islands as communication by sea became more common were tempted to turn pirates under the conduct of their most powerful men ;

    早先时期,由于通过航海交流已经变得更加普遍,在沿海和岛屿上的希腊人和外族人,在他们的 猛士 带领 ,冒险做海盗;

  • The liberty of expressing and publishing opinions may seem to fall under a different principle since it belongs to that part of the conduct of an individual which concerns other people ;

    表达意见和发表意见的自由因为属于个人 行为中涉及他人 部分,或许可 归人另一不同的原则。

  • Gravity mix homogenization technol - ogy was the Industrial technology based on tes - ting and experiment under the conduct of theo - rem.

    重力掺混均化技术是在理论 指导 ,基于实验及试验的工业技术。

  • Under the existing first established in control theory based on small-signal model and conduct a simulation and analysis and pulse width modulation according to the principle of high frequency of the signal control .

    根据现有 技术在控制中首先建立基于小信号理论的模型,并 对此 进行仿真与分析,同时根据脉宽调制原理,实现高频化的信号控制方法。

  • Also under way are debates over the conduct of clinical trials as researchers try to identify drugs for treatment as well as prevention techniques such as the use of vaginal gels called microbicides which can kill the virus and circumcision ( see right ) .

    引起辩论 还有临床试验。在临床试验中, 研究人员试图确定某些药品能否用于治疗和作为预防手段,比如使用名为杀菌剂的阴道凝胶和包皮环切术等。前者可以杀灭病菌。

  • The land administrative departments under the people 's governments at or above the county level shall conduct supervision and inspection according to law over the assignment transfer lease mortgage and termination of the right to the use of the land .

    县级以上人民政府土地管理部门 依法对土地使用权的出让、转让、出租、抵押、终止 进行监督检查。

  • The relevant departments under the State Council shall conduct the work related to the nationwide natural disaster relief within their respective scopes of functions and duties .

    国务院有关部门按照各自职责 做好全国的自然灾害救助相关工作。

  • Under the direction of some theoretical basis this research should conduct a deep discussion on cooperation of college teachers in fields as follows : necessity and possibility current situation existential problems and their reasons and proposed improvements .

    对这一研究需要在一定理论基础 指导 ,对高校教师合作的必要性与可行性、现实状况、存在问题及其原因、改进策略等问题, 进行深入探讨。

  • It would be a practicable practice for non-bank financial sector in China under the current divided operation to conduct collaboration with the banking industry through the form of financial holding companies so as to meet challenges from full-functional foreign-funded institutions .

    在坚持当前金融分业经营体制 前提 ,通过金融控股公司的组织形式联合银行业 进行跨行业 经营,将是中国非银行金融业发展的可行方向。

  • The tele education under the conduct of modern educational thought and theory have strong impact on the traditional educational system . It will bring about great changes to the educational thought mode and means etc.

    远程教育的发展对传统教育产生了强烈的冲击, 教育思想、教育模式、教学手段等方面都带来了重大变化。

  • Chemical terms an important tool of learning chemistry should be acquired under the conduct of teachers by the way of dispersing memorization and chemical phenomena-associated memorization .

    教师 教学 过程中,应强调学习化学用语的重要性,并 引导学生通过分散识记、结合化学事实来掌握化学用语的方法。

  • Under the conduct of the new mechanism of the national student loan Henan Province actively explores the mode of the national student loan suitable for local practice .

    河南省在国家助学贷款新机制 政策 指导 ,积极探索适合本省省情的国家助学贷款模式。

  • Under the influence of advanced modern civil and commercial laws repair law in late Qing Dynasty imitate civil and commercial laws with western conduct the modern market management mode has appeared on the earth of China .

    先进的近代民商法 影响 ,通过晚清修律, 仿行西方的民商法,近代市场管理模式在中国大地出现了。