



  • Us or the guys who lost two undercover cops ?

    我们,还是那些死了两个 密探的家伙?

  • He killed your undercover officer but not the others .

    他杀害的是你们的 便衣警察,而不是其他人。

  • The man you shot had been undercover .

    你射击的那个人是 密探

  • I am an undercover police officer .

    我是一个 卧底警察。

  • Listen . there 's an undercover officer on the scene .

    听着,现场有个 卧底

  • Long-term intelligence-based and undercover operations resulted in many prosecutions .

    警方根据情报和 派出 卧底进行长时间的 调查,结果提出多宗检控。

  • You can spot undercover cops a mile off .

    你一眼就可以认出 便衣警察。

  • The guy 's an informer an undercover cop or something .

    这人是个 卧底或者 便衣警察。

  • What are you saying ? I got it from an undercover .

    你到底在说些什么?我听一个 卧底说的。

  • We 'll have captain Harris and lieutenant proctor * Take the undercover assignment at the union towers building .

    联合高楼的 秘密任务将由哈里斯上尉和 学监中尉来负责。

  • I had a brother who worked undercover just like you .

    我有个弟弟,和你一样干 卧底

  • I think he was an undercover agent who you put inside .

    我认为他是你派 卧底

  • I hate it when you do undercover work .

    我真讨厌你去做 卧底

  • Help me Undercover Economist you are my only hope .

    帮帮我吧, 亲爱的经济学家,你是我唯一的希望了。

  • He had offered cocaine to an undercover police officer .

    他曾提出要给一个 卧底警官可卡因。

  • Ever since I met you I 've been undercover . I 'm a cop .

    自从我遇见你开始,我就是 卧底,我是警察。

  • But I was working undercover .

    但我是 秘密工作的。

  • Then you know I 'm undercover !

    那你们应该知道我是 卧底

  • Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry

    在一次重大的 秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就盯上了那帮匪徒。

  • I 'm undercover ? I 'm on the job ? Don 't shoot ?

    我是 卧底 ,我正在执勤,别开枪!

  • This guy 's been undercover for the last eight months .

    这人在过去八个月中一直 担任 卧底

  • He 's always going undercover .

    他总是进行 他的 秘密 活动

  • Are you interested in doing any undercover work ?

    你还愿意做一些 卧底的工作吗?

  • We discovered one of the team was an undercover cop .

    我们发现其中一个是警察的 卧底

  • And how long were you undercover ?


  • Undercover police officers nabbed the men as they were taking possession of a consignment of heroin .

    当那些人正在领取托运的海洛因时, 便衣警察逮捕了他们。

  • He 's about to go undercover in a high-risk operation .

    他要进行一次非常危险的 秘密行动。

  • Journalists informed police who planted an undercover detective to trap Smith .

    记者通知了警方,后者于是为诱捕史密斯而安插了一名 卧底侦探。

  • When you go undercover you have to do things you wouldn 't normally do .

    当你 伪装时,你会做一些和平时不一样的事。

  • You ever date someone undercover ?

    你有和 卧底约会过吗?