


  • Underdevelopment is chocking : the squalor disease unnecessary deaths and hopelessness of it all ! The criminal had committed hideous crimes .


  • This Pacific Rim civilization being created is a new relationship between development and underdevelopment .

    这一创建中的环太平洋文化是发达与 发达之间一种新型的关系。

  • Long sticks pith underdevelopment .

    长枝髓心 发达

  • The depth of what we don 't know the deepness of our own underdevelopment is where we talk from .

    我们自己 未知的深度感、我们自己未 发展的深刻感、才是我们所要谈的地方。

  • They say they are fighting against corruption underdevelopment and the domination of the Sudan People 's Liberation Movement-the former rebels who now run South Sudan .

    他们称自己在与腐败、 发达和苏丹人们解放运动(曾经的叛军,如今统治南苏丹)作斗争。

  • The Impact of Local Government of Underdevelopment Regions on Receiving Industry Transfer from Developed Regions


  • Study on Advantages Underdevelopment and Countermeasures in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone

    成渝经济区:比较优势、 发展 不足与治理对策研究

  • Middle East has declined since modern era and still now in status of underdevelopment however it had possessed of refulgent history .

    中东地区曾有过辉煌的历史,只是在近代以来衰落了,目前仍处在 发达状况。

  • A lack of good stories is the main reason of the underdevelopment of entertainment in China w_793 .

    中国娱乐产业的 发展 不足,主要是因为缺乏好的故事内容。

  • He warned that its underdevelopment posed serious risks to the mainland economy .

    他警告称,企业 发展 滞后给中国经济带来了严重的风险。

  • The problem of underdevelopment appears to be confined to the tropics .


  • Because of the poor environment of market and the resultant underdevelopment market the home brands can not compete with those foreign ones yet .

    由于市场环境和市场 发育 原因,中国品牌的整体实力尚不能与国外的名牌相抗衡,而LOGO正是品牌力量薄弱的表现之一。

  • The product is indicated for the treatment of children acalcerosis such as skeleton underdevelopment retarded dentition etc.

    用于小儿骨骼 发育 ,出齿迟缓等缺钙症;用于妊娠期、哺乳期妇女的维生素及钙质缺乏症。

  • And with the developer running out of funds construction has virtually ground to a halt leaving Europe Africa and South America in varying states of underdevelopment .

    同时,由于开发商资金拮据,建筑工作已几乎停止,使得“欧洲”、“非洲”和“南美洲”处在不同程度的 开发 阶段

  • Nevertheless to escape the curse of underdevelopment Asian countries must eventually narrow their economic gaps .

    然而,要摆脱 发达的“诅咒”,亚洲国家最终必须缩短其经济差距。

  • Besides individual enterprise of the street economy family business in manufacturing and commerce are characteristic of underdevelopment .

    除了街道经济的个人企业以外,家庭制造业和家庭商业也是 发达 经济的一个特征。

  • Underdevelopment of an organ because of a decrease in the number of cells .

    由于细胞数量的减少器官 没有 充分 发育

  • The World Energy Council says the power shortage has contributed to continued poverty and underdevelopment across the continent .

    世界能源理事会说,缺电是非洲大陆仍旧在贫困和 发展 不足 挣扎 原因 之一

  • Nevertheless the neglect of the organizational communication management and the underdevelopment of enterprise culture restrict the development of private enterprises .

    然而对组织传播管理的忽视和企业文化 建设 滞后,制约了民营企业的发展。

  • It not only breaks a new path for the underdevelopment economy border area and people to become rich but also find a new increasing-point for our tour economy continual development .

    它不公为我国经济 发达的沿边地区经济发展和群从脱贫致富开辟了新的途径,也为我国旅游经济的持续发展找到了一个新的经挤增长点。

  • So in theory its underdevelopment may explain why young people seem more willing to take risks like driving too fast .

    因此,在理论上, 大脑 发达也许可以解释为什么年轻人似乎更愿意冒风险飞速驾驶了。

  • The research on the factors effects and countermeasures of China civil society and culture of private law underdevelopment

    中国市民社会私法文化 发达的原因影响及对策

  • Africa must develop its vast resources to tackle poverty and underdevelopment .

    非洲必须开发自己巨大的资源,来抗击贫穷和 落后

  • On Causes of Underdevelopment in Some of the Coastal Areas

    沿海部分地区应 发展 发展成因分析

  • Nepal at the frontline of a potential ecological disaster must strike the right balance between reducing poverty and underdevelopment and preserving the environment argues Sharma .

    Sharma说,尼泊尔正处于一场可能的生态灾难的前沿,它必须在减少贫困及 发展 滞后与保护环境方面实现平衡。

  • In terms of the poverty-stricken areas in China the underdevelopment is mainly reflected in the following : First weak infrastructure .

    就中国的贫困地区而言,这种 发达主要表现在:一是基础设施薄弱。

  • Financial Development Technological Advances and Regional Economic Growth & From Northwest China 's Underdevelopment Areas of Data

    金融发展、技术进步与区域经济增长&基于欠 发达地区的分析

  • Although the southeastern African country ` s underdevelopment and harsh living conditions surprised Lang who landed the continent for the first time he was touched by local children ` s passion for music .

    首次前往非洲东南部国家的郎朗着实被当地的 发达 程度和艰苦的生活环境吓了一跳。但与此同时,他也为当地儿童对音乐的热情所感动。

  • China 's population less arable land water shortage small business rural underdevelopment most of the central region is still in traditional agricultural stage .

    中国人口多耕地少,水资源不足,经营规模小,农村 发达,中部大部分地区尚处在传统农业阶段。