


v.(使)发展不完全,(使)显影不足( underdevelop的过去式和过去分词)

  • Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology .

    应该通过提供现代技术来帮助 发达国家。

  • But the lesson of Asia is that financial markets can remain underdeveloped as well .

    而亚洲的教训是金融市场可能仍 发达

  • He does not experience a voice change his sex organs remain underdeveloped and he remains infertile .

    他不会有变声过程,其性器官维持 幼稚 状态,而且没有生育能力。

  • The project will encompass rural and underdeveloped areas in China .

    这项工程将覆盖中国的农村和 发达地区。

  • Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries .

    在一些 发达的国家,伐木业十分重要。

  • Underdeveloped capital markets in Asia impede the efficient use of domestic savings .

    亚洲有 发展的资本市场,妨碍了国内储蓄的有效利用。

  • developed and underdeveloped First World and Third World to history but it is still a Them and Us world .

    我们可以把“北方和南方”、“发达和 发达”、“第一世界和第三世界”这些标签还给历史了,但这仍然是一个“她们与我们”的世界。

  • The relatively underdeveloped banking system would only partly mitigate the blow to the weakened economy .

    相对 发达的银行体系只会部分减轻对疲软经济的打击。

  • First most underdeveloped countries have only inadequate surveys of their natural resources .

    第一,大多数 发达国家对其自然资源只作了不充分的勘探。

  • But China 's insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped .

    但是,中国金融系统的封闭性也导致它 不够 发达

  • Main Problems of Social work Development in Western Underdeveloped Region

    西部 发达地区社会工作发展中的主要问题

  • Some suggestions were provided for the future development of underdeveloped areas of rural sports .

    提出今后如何发展 发达地区农村体育的一些建议。

  • This division of the world into the developed and underdeveloped nations is too simple .

    把世界划分为发达国家和 发达国家过于简单化了。

  • China 's financial markets are still underdeveloped and inefficient .

    中国的金融市场仍然不够 发达,效率低下。

  • Ours is a culturally underdeveloped country .

    我们的国家是一个文化 发达的国家。

  • Underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively ; neutral in the East-West alignment .

    亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲 发达国家和发展中国家的总称;东西联盟的中立国家。

  • Underdeveloped countries improved health and education are urgently needed .


  • His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies .

    他的理论对很多 发达经济体都不适用。

  • I had a very underdeveloped appreciation of music and the theatre as a child .


  • But a lot of other rural areas are still underdeveloped . why 's that ?

    但其他好多农村地区仍 发达。为什么会这样呢?

  • Many underdeveloped countries own their natural resources .

    许多 发达国家都拥有自然资源。

  • The capital markets are still underdeveloped .

    中国的资本市场仍 发达

  • The author explores the VAT deduction system in the underdeveloped market economy in China .

    第五章是对我国 发达市场经济条件下的增值税抵扣制度的研究。

  • Buying underdeveloped and foreclosed real estate then developing and selling it is an example of real estate investment .


  • This is especially important in poorer countries with underdeveloped infrastructure .

    在那些基础建设 发达的贫穷国家,这尤其重要。

  • Underdeveloped countries can benefit from the globalization process of intellectual property as well .

    在知识产权全球化进程中, 发展国家可从中分享利益。

  • We have suddenly become an insular people unconcerned with the underdeveloped countries .

    我们突然变成了对于 发达国家漠不关心的与世隔绝的民族了。

  • America is a developed country in contrast Mexico is economically underdeveloped .

    美国是一个发达国家,对比之下,墨西哥经济 落后

  • Isn 't China an underdeveloped country ?

    中国不是一个 落后的国家吗?