under the sway of

[ˈʌndɚ ði swe ʌv][ˈʌndə ðə swei ɔv]


  • Even if whilst under the sway of karma and habitual patterns a mistaken thought occurs to me may it never succeed !

    即使,虽然 受到业力和习气 影响,心中产生任何一个错误的念头,愿它绝对不会成功。

  • It is a general social phenomenon that people like to follow something in vogue or are under the sway of something most people pay close attention to .

    一般的社会现象总是大家喜欢围绕一种流行的东西,或者 多数人关注 东西所 牵引

  • Rump Iraq is largely under the sway of Tehran not a balance to Iranian power but a vehicle .

    伊拉克的主要部分基本上 德黑兰 影响,它不是牵制伊朗的力量,而是其工具。

  • The data collection platform is designed and realized under the sway of the uniform structure of SLA network inspecting system .

    在面向 SLA网络运行监测系统统一的架构 ,设计并实现了数据采集平台。

  • But under the sway of T-regs macrophages act the opposite way .

    但是 调节 T细胞 影响下,巨噬细胞却起相反的作用。

  • The court was under the sway of a fantastic religious impostor rasputin and the public administration civil and military was in a state of extreme inefficiency and corruption .

    朝廷受制于一个异想天开的宗教骗子 拉斯普廷,政府管理部门,不管军事的还是非军事的,都处于极其无能和腐败的状态。

  • But as I 've learned logic has its limits . It 's the heart not the head that governs this world under the sway of the dizzy gods .

    但,就我所知,逻辑有其局限性。人们统治世界不是用脑,而是 随心,他们 那些“坐不稳” “神仙”摆布。

  • The history of Chinese Americans struggling and surviving in the United States is a suppressed or hidden one under the sway of power discourse of White Supremacy .

    在西方白人中心权力话语 ,华裔美国人在美国生存发展创业的历史是一部被压抑和 隐没的历史。

  • Laing was coming increasingly under the sway of new ideas .

    莱恩越来越 新观念 影响

  • The revolution was now under the sway of a fanatical leader Robespierre .

    革命现在 受制于一位狂热的领袖 罗伯斯比尔

  • Under earthquake the sway movement of lead-rubber bearing base-isolated structure with soft soil base is more obvious .

    地震作用 软土地基&铅芯橡胶支座隔震结构 摇摆运动较明显。

  • The opposition Liberal Democratic party equally under the sway of the financial bureaucracy agrees .

    同样 金融官僚 控制的反对党自民党(Liberal DemocraticParty)表示同意。

  • Power also produces subject . Subject and subjectivity which is closely linked with the former are under the sway of power .

    权力也生产主体,主体以及和主体紧密相连的主体性也 权力 影响

  • For more than a generation we have been under the sway of conservative ideas against which there has been little serious competition .

    我们在超过一代人的 时期一直 处于保守主义思想 支配 之下,保守主义几乎没有受到什么强有力的挑战。

  • On the other hand just because of these interpersonal differences different identity appeals and values must be appearing as well as different personalities and characteristics in identity confirmation . To put it simply individual awareness is ultimately under the sway of social awareness .

    反过来说,正因为人与人之间存在着各种差异,所以一定会有不同的身份诉求和价值取向,在身份确证过程中也会显露出 迥异 人格 力量和精神特质。

  • Since the 1970s translation studies has been under the sway of the cultural turn in which feminist translation is included as one of its important fields of research .

    上个世纪70年代以来,翻译研究 文化 转向变得越来越重要。而 文化转向之中,女性主义翻译是其重要的研究领域。

  • Thus Van Til unleashes the great vision of Kuyper to bring all areas of human life under the sway of Christ see I Cor.

    因此范泰尔释放了 凯伯的伟大异象:将人生的一切范围服 基督 统管 之下

  • As it is the consensus is that internal system that holds true under the sway of existing world order has stopped short of appeasing popular cry and coping with increasing matters .

    相同的是,原来有效 内部体制和 现存的国际格局已不能应付新的社会诉求和层出不穷的新问题。

  • Under the sway of hunger the shy deer appeared in the farmer 's yard .

    那只胆小的鹿 迫于饥饿, 跑到了农民的院子里。

  • Some states were under the sway of Rome .

    有一些国家是 罗马帝国 统治