under the influence of

[ˈʌndɚ ði ˈɪnfluəns ʌv][ˈʌndə ðə ˈinfluəns ɔv]


  • Under the influence of higher-order effects the interactions between second order solitons in dispersion-shifted fibers are investigated numerically .

    研究了高阶效应 影响 ,色散位移光纤中二阶孤子间的相互作用,分析了二阶孤子对衰变后时域波形的变化。

  • She 's under the influence of mind-altering drugs .

    能改变精神的药物 影响

  • Finally an analysis of China 's traditional culture under the influence of conflict management problems and to provide a number of measures to solve the problem .

    最后分析了传统文化 影响 我国冲突管理存在的问题,并提供了一些问题解决的对策。

  • This was done under the influence of the Fa Chia or Legalist school of thought .

    这是 受到了法家学派的思想 影响

  • Under the influence of ancient Chinese art Zhou has maintained moderation and introspection ;

    中国古人作品 感染中,周春芽保存了“温和”与“内向”;

  • Modern Chinas patriotic advertisements emerged in business competition under the influence of the Chinese national goods movement .

    近代中国的爱国主义广告在商业竞争中与国货运动的 影响 产生。

  • Under the influence of different weight function the consequence of the orders are also different .

    不同的形变因子 影响 之下,得到排序的结果也不相同。

  • Under the influence of globalization the landscape of public health has changed in profound and almost universal ways .

    全球化 影响 ,公共卫生的形势几乎普遍地发生了深刻的变化。

  • Men 's studies having taken shape under the influence of the second-wave feminist movement borrows and enhances feminist ideas and methods to a great extent .

    男性研究在第二波女性主义运动 影响 形成,因此在很大程度上借鉴并发展了女性主义的研究思路和研究方法。

  • He studied art history and began his creational practice under the influence of different painting languages .

    他研究了绘画史,并 各种绘画语言 影响 开始自己的创作实践。

  • New Changes in Student 's Role and Learning Behavior under the Influence of IT

    信息技术 条件 学生学习角色和学习行为的新变化

  • According to the variation view of sociolinguistics grammatical items change under the influence of social factors .

    社会语言学变异观认为,语法项目也会 社会因素 影响而变异。

  • The very earliest sculptures were made under the influence of Greek art

    最早的雕塑作品 受到了希腊艺术 影响

  • Experimental Study on the Growth and Development of Epiphyseal Plate and Its Control Mechanism under the Influence of CGRP

    CGRP对骺板生长发育 影响及其调控机制 实验研究

  • Under the influence of this policy the listed companies have motivation of adjusting reported earnings .

    这一政策导向 影响 ,上市公司有调整报告盈余的动机。

  • Under the influence of the external loads the body B moves and deforms .

    外加负荷 影响 ,物体B将运动和变形。

  • He committed the crime under the influence of drink .


  • Since the Second World War under the influence of the humanistic psychology individualized teaching has sprung up .

    二战以后, 人本主义心理学 影响 ,教育界兴起了对个别化教学的 研究

  • Methods : It was analyzed that the inducing cause was brain function imbalance under the influence of different factors .

    方法:总结分析老年癔病诱发原因是 不同的精神因素 影响 引起大脑功能失调 一种功能 疾病。

  • He was under the influence of a whisky too many .


  • Under the influence of my father I have always been filled with infinite yearning for Germany .

    由于 受到父亲 影响,我对德国充满了无限的向往。

  • Under the influence of traditional time culture the Chinese ancient novel has formed it 's stabler narrative characteristic .

    传统时间文化 影响 ,中国古代小说形成了自身较为稳定的叙事特征。

  • And their later songs were under the influence of the music and religion of india .

    但后来的歌曲却 受到了印度音乐和宗教 影响

  • Relaxed under the influence of the music ; the influence of television on modern life .

    音乐 影响 放松;电视对现代生活的影响。

  • Under the influence of Schopenhauer Wittgenstein negates traditional philosophy from the perspective of lingual criticism .

    维特根斯坦 叔本华 影响 ,从语言批判的角度否定了传统哲学。

  • All this is under the influence of traditional ideas and related to its denomination tenet and activities .

    这与光复会的定名、宗旨和活动有关,又 受到传统思想 影响

  • When under the influence of alcohol I behave badly .

    在酒精 影响 时,我有不好的行为。

  • I fell under the influence of a history master

    我当时 深受一位历史老师 影响