

vt.& vi.伸开,展开(卷绕物)

  • Dan played with the tangerine peel letting it uncoil and then coil again

    摆弄着那片橘子皮,将它不停地 展开来卷回去。

  • Uncoil electric flex a hose-pipe The method of design and calculation on in-line welding branch pipeline for gas transmission trunk line is introduced .

    展开盘着的电线、 水龙带.介绍了干线输气管道热连接分支管道的设计计算方法。

  • Remember as the body parts uncoil each part should come to a stop as the next speeds up .

    记得,因为身体部份 解盘 当下部份速度增加时每个部份应该到达一个停止 状态

  • Your hitting arm and racquet will pick up speed as you uncoil the faster the speed the more power you will generate .

    你打击的手臂和网拍当你 解盘 时候,将 采取速度,速度越快,你将产生更多的力量。

  • The spring will not only uncoil it will jump out of you .

    弹簧不仅会 打开,它将跳出你。

  • This coiling of the upper body will allow you to uncoil with the knees hips trunk shoulders and hitting arm into the shot .

    这身体上半部的盘绕,将让你用膝部、部、干,肩膀,和打击的手臂 解盘 进入打击内。

  • When tossing the ball to serve you want the arm to swing up straight from the shoulder and remain in that position until you begin to uncoil .

    发球 初始抛球时,你应该想着让 抛球臂直直地以肩为 上抛起并保持向上的状态直到你 身体开始 向前 回转

  • Mack seemed to uncoil slowly up into a standing position .

    麦克慢慢 起身站了起来。

  • Fig.28 The body has now started to uncoil in this photo the front knee has stopped from here the hips will now speed up .

    图28身体现在已经开始 解盘 ,这一张相片中前膝已经停止,从这里,臀部现在将加速。

  • He uncoiled the hose and gave them a thorough drenching

    软管 铺展 开来,把它们彻底冲洗了一下。