


  • If men came to get your grapes would they not let some be uncut on the vines ? If thieves came by night would they not make waste till they had enough ?

    摘葡萄的若来到他那里, 岂不 剩下 葡萄呢?盗贼若夜间而来,岂不毁坏直到够了呢?

  • We saw the uncut version of ' Caligula ' when we were in Europe .

    我们在欧洲的时候看过 删节版《罗马帝国艳情史》。

  • In the following New York City raw and uncut : east village spirit interview we will toss questions at Jon ferraro a guitarist from the East Village Music scene to see what he has to say about the place he calls home .

    在接下来的《感受真实的纽约之东村精神》的访谈中,我们将会向来自东村音乐圈的吉他手乔恩?费 拉罗提一些问题,来看看他是怎么评价这个被其称为家园的地方的。

  • A pile fabric ( usually cotton ) with uncut loops on both sides ; used to make bath towels and bath robes .

    两边有 切割线的 起毛织物;用于制造毛巾和沐浴衣物。

  • If men came to get your grapes would they not let some be uncut on the vines ?

    摘葡萄的若来到他那里, 岂不 剩下 葡萄呢?

  • While Ross was striding over the damp uncut grass in the direction of his car dodging the pricking grasp of wild unkempt japonicas .

    而洛斯也避开蓬乱的疯长的灌木的羁绊和顶刺,大踏步穿过潮湿 的草地朝他的汽车方向走去。

  • What video showed The video originally aired uncut on Pakistani TV showing an unarmed Shah being shot and falling down in the street bleeding to death and screaming .

    这段录像原来由巴基斯坦一个电视台一 播出,手无寸铁的沙阿在录像中被射杀,倒在街上哀嚎,最后失血过多致死。

  • Fabric pile of regenerated fibres woven ( excl. carpeting narrow fabrics and uncut weft pile fabrics )

    机织再生纤维绒头织物(不包括地毯料、窄幅织物和 绒织物)

  • More important is a verve have intention provide culture provide temperament be Chinese old culture is successive with continuance it is contemporary urbanite turns over uncut jade to put in true concept 's charge also be the pursuit of modern opposite vivid grade .

    更重要的是具神韵,具内涵,具文化,具气质,是中国古老文化的继续与延续,是现代都市人 反璞归真理念,也是现代人对生活品位的追求。

  • The uncut diamond is a third bigger than a golf ball .

    尚未 切割的钻石比一只高尔夫球还要大三分之一。

  • Their personages or portraits are not standard they are uncut and out of focus .

    他们的人物或肖像多不标准, 边幅 焦距 模糊

  • These loops may be left uncut or they can be cut and brushed to give the appearance of velveteen velour or other similar pile - woven fabrics .

    这些线圈可以 必切除,也可经过切割和刷刮以形成 平绒、丝绒或其它绒织物的外观。

  • A thin dull knife used for opening sealed envelopes slitting uncut pages of books and creasing paper . Garment was convinced that the Administration would have to be ripped apart and reconstituted in procedures as well as personnel .

    切纸刀一种用于开启密封的封信、撕开 裁好的书页和在纸张上 压印的薄而钝的刀加门特确信,必须从政府机构开刀,在体制和人员上进行改组。

  • Trees were to be left uncut roads unpaved .

    树没有 修剪,路也没有铺。

  • This paper sets up an instantaneous cutting force model for a spiral cylinder cutter by analyzing the linear relationship between micro-unit milling force and instantaneous uncut chip thickness .

    通过微元铣削力与瞬时 变形 屑厚度之间的线性关系,提出了螺旋圆柱铣刀的瞬时切削力模型。

  • Smoking scenes which do not appear to condone the habit may be left uncut .

    只有那些看上去不是肯定吸烟习惯的抽烟镜头可以被 保留

  • A dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books .

    用来切开邮信的信封或 切断 切开的书的钝刀。

  • And it 's your bad luck that you had a bag of uncut cocaine .

    更糟的是你还 携带有一包 可卡因

  • Crosscutting machine Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton other than terry and narrow fabrics

    的纬 起绒织物,毛圈机织物及狭幅机织物除外

  • Extremely long or uncut nails are a real turnoff too .

    特别长的或 修剪的指甲真的是很糟糕。

  • Uncut versions editions showings The game will have a much more global scope .


  • Have natural environmental protection return to the uncut jade and belong to the true result .

    具有天然环保, 返璞归真的效果。

  • The narrow garden with its few uncut flowers .

    有很少几 花的狭小花园。

  • Overturned cars were piled in the parking lot and giant rolls of uncut paper littered the grounds .

    停车场上堆积着被掀翻的汽车,遍地都是 大卷 大卷 切割的纸张。

  • Noodles should be uncut as they represent long life .

    煮面条的 时候 不能 弄断,象征日子 的长长 久久

  • You are to make the altar of the LORD your God of uncut stones ; offering on it burned offerings to the LORD your god .

    要用 没有 的石头筑耶和华你神的 ,在坛上要将燔祭献给耶和华你的神。

  • Did you see it in an uncut version ?

    你看的是 删节版的 影片吗?

  • He brought some scythes to the field and spread them on the uncut hay .

    他带了几把镰刀赶到牧草地,把它们分散开来置于尚未收割的 秣草上。

  • Did we not try to ban selling uncut logs to China claiming it was our resource and our jobs

    我们可以试着不要禁止将 原木卖给中国后再宣称这是我们的资源,我们的工作吗