


  • It is a non common white unctuous and soft with powerful aromas and flavours and a lingering finish .

    不同于其他普通的白酒, 油质和温和,非常强烈的香气,浓郁且回味悠长。

  • He made an unctuous assurance .

    他做了个 假意的承诺。

  • It was unctuous false and unwholesome like the man .

    他的 口气 油滑的,虚伪的,讨厌的,就象他那个人。

  • He came up to me oozing unctuous sympathy hoping that I would buy him a drink .

    他走过来, 咕哝虚情假意的安慰 ,希望我会给他买一杯酒喝喝。

  • A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons ; a sycophant . in an unctuous voice

    谄媚者出于私利而吹捧或尊敬他人的人;拍马者用谄媚 柔媚w_1179的声音

  • He was most unctuous and pleading .

    他是满口 甜言蜜语 进行 推脱

  • If Mrs Thatcher took any notice of all this unctuous advice then there is no evidence of it .

    撒切尔夫人是否理会这些 花言巧语的劝告,现在还没有迹象可以表明。

  • Unctuous . Term applied to wines which are smooth soft and full on the palate .

    肥厚的、 的:用于描述口感平顺、和、满的葡萄酒。

  • Dark clouds scudding by . I looked up doubtfully and there sure enough on the rock of the sepulchre was spread an unctuous and sooty mark three feet or more across .

    我满腹疑虑地抬头望去,果然,在墓室的 上有一 三呎多宽的 油腻乌黑的痕迹。

  • Most of time bosses make unctuous promises .

    大多数时候老板做 虚假的承诺。

  • Unctuous ripe red fruit aromas intermingle with hints of freshly ground coffee beans and mocha .

    可塑 的成熟红水果的芳香混合了新鲜咖啡豆和摩卡咖啡的香味, 令人陶醉。

  • Unctuous but vivacious in the mouth .

    口感 而又 不乏轻快。

  • He spoke sometimes with a marked savor and an unctuous kneading of the hands of that time when he should own the land for he was the younger and by rule should have the expectancy of life .

    有时候,他 虚情假意 揉搓双手, 含沙射影地说起他可以拥有这 土地的日子;因为他年龄较小,按理说应该拥有预期使用年限。

  • Flamboyant aromas of dried pineapple combined with fresh apricots and honey in this rich unctuous wine that 's incredibly sweet yet not cloying thanks to vibrant acidity .

    此酒香气馥郁,蕴含菠萝 干与清新的杏子、蜂蜜芬芳。酒体丰腴而醇郁。口味十分甜润,与精致的果酸交相辉映,恰倒好处。

  • Far from being unctuous Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent .

    由于并不愿意 假意 奉承所以帕特总是不愿意表现出勉强顺从的姿态。

  • Manchu Words Remained in Texts of Contemporary Manchu Spoken Literature ; He was most unctuous and pleading .

    当代满族口头文学文本中保留的满语他是满口 甜言蜜语 进行 推脱

  • He was not a man of profound erudition but he was a suave and unctuous speaker .

    他不是一个人深刻的学问,但他是一个温文尔雅和 油腻的发言。