


  • Either extreme can work against you as you 'll appear unfocused uncommitted or unqualified .

    这两种极端都对你不利,会让显得你很不专注、 责任 、格。

  • I was still uncommitted to the venture when we reached Kanpur .

    我们到达坎普尔时,我 仍未拿定主意是否去冒险。

  • One transaction may not write to a row if another uncommitted transaction has already written to it .

    如果一个 事务已经开始写数据,则另外一个数据则不允许同时写。

  • Release the row locks so that other applications can SELECT INSERT UPDATE and DELETE from the table ( for example use isolation level cursor stability or uncommitted read ) .

    释放行锁,以便其他应用程序可以对表执行SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE(例如,使用游标稳定性(cursorstability)隔离级别或 提交读( uncommitted read隔离 级别)。

  • Therefore uncommitted reads are not possible with CS .

    因此,在使用CS的情况下, 提交的读取是不可能实现的。

  • This variable controls whether uncommitted inserts can be ignored for cursors under the CS or RS isolation levels .

    这个变量控制 提交的插入在CS或者RS隔离级别下是否可以被游标忽略。

  • An autonomous transaction has its own COMMIT and ROLLBACK scope to ensure that its outcome does not affect the caller 's uncommitted changes .

    自治事务拥有自己的COMMIT和ROLLBACK范围,确保它的结果不会影响到调用方的 提交的变更。

  • When you perform a soft recovery any uncommitted log files are committed to the database .

    执行软恢复时,任何 提交的日志文件都会提交到数据库。

  • Transactions are not isolated from each other and read only cursors can access uncommitted changes from other transactions .

    事务之间未隔离,只读游标可访问其他事务 提交的更改。

  • Also uncommitted changes are not synchronized .

    另外, 提交的更改不会被同步。

  • Phantom rows and non-repeatable reads are possible but uncommitted rows are not visible .

    在此隔离级别上允许进行幻象行和不可重复读取,但 提交行不可见。

  • The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial


  • This policy made it easy to meet our goal of keeping the solution uncommitted to any specific data store .

    该策略便于我们达到使解决方案 限于任何特定的数据存储的目标。

  • You must ensure that there are no uncommitted changes when you synchronize .

    必须确保同步时没有 提交的更改。

  • Any uncommitted changes to the property cache will be lost .

    任何 提交的对属性缓存的更改都将丢失。

  • A user will only see committed data unless the Uncommitted Read isolation level is used .

    除非使用 提交读隔离级别,否则用户只能看到 提交的数据。

  • The research focus of uncommitted robbery has two .

    抢劫 未遂的研究焦点有二。

  • A database snapshot captures the point in time at which snapshot creation began minus any uncommitted transactions .

    数据库快照捕获开始创建快照的时间点,去掉所有 提交的事务。

  • UR : Allows an application to access uncommitted changes of other transactions .

    UR:允许应用程序访问其他事务 提交的更改。

  • The second part discusses the main focus of the uncommitted robbery .

    第二部分主要探讨了抢劫 未遂的研究焦点。

  • Closing a connection rolls back any uncommitted transactions .

    关闭连接会回滚所有 提交的事务。

  • Therefore in the previous example you would not see the uncommitted trade .

    因此,在上一个示例中,您将不会看到 提交的交易。

  • Phantom rows are not permitted with this isolation level nor are uncommitted reads .

    在此隔离级别中不允许出现幻象行,也不允许 提交读取。

  • We can also choose to commit or roll back the uncommitted transactions during SQL or OS errors using COMMIT or ROLLBACK options .

    我们还可以选择使用COMMIT或ROLLBACK选项在SQL或OS错误期间提交或回滚 提交的事务。

  • When this occurs any uncommitted changes to the database are lost and the current transaction is rolled back .

    出现这种情况时,所有 提交的数据库更改都将丢失,当前事务将回滚。

  • Locks prevent uncommitted changes made by one application process from being accessed by other processes .

    锁可以防止一个应用程序进程所做的 提交更改被另一个进程访问。

  • Logs contain both committed and uncommitted data .

    日志包含提交和 提交的数据。

  • Uncommitted rows created by another unit of work are not visible with this isolation level .

    在此隔离级别上,其他工作单元创建的 交行不可见。

  • Instructs the restore operation to not roll back any uncommitted transactions .

    指示还原操作不回滚任何 提交的事务。

  • But A2 can afterwards roll back the insert and then A1 has not retrieved uncommitted data .

    但A2可以在此后回滚插入操作,随后A1将无法再检索到 提交的数据。