


  • Thus you trudge along stoical uncomplaining .

    你们就这样坚忍 蹒跚 而行

  • Love is uncomplaining for help others love is courage .

    爱是为帮助他人而 愿意 忍受 痛苦,爱是勇气。

  • They died unquestioning uncomplaining with faith in their hearts and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory .

    他们牺牲的时候, 没有犹豫, 没有 抱怨,心中怀着信念,嘴里挂着我们终将走向胜利的希望。

  • His job is boring but he is cheerful and uncomplaining and grateful to have any work at all .

    他的工作很乏味,但他很快乐, 毫无 怨言,也很感激有个工作机会。

  • Some evenings as I sit alone staring at the flame of the lamp on the table I vow I will live as a brave man should & unmoved silent uncomplaining .

    有些夜晚独坐在桌旁,我会盯着灯焰发誓要像勇士那样活着&坚定、沉静、不 埋怨

  • She was prepared to put up uncomplaining ly with his wild temper .

    她准备 温顺 忍受他的 火暴脾气。

  • Expressing my admiration for the courage and uncomplaining spirit of our wounded .

    我对伤员们的勇敢和 毫无 怨言的精神表示钦佩。

  • Cathy and her brother harassed me terribly : he was as uncomplaining as a lamb ; though hardness not gentleness made him give little trouble .

    凯西和她的哥哥烦得我不行,而他却像一只 没有 怨言得羔羊,尽管难处,不亲切,但是他不怎么添麻烦。

  • They remained kind generous warm and uncomplaining .

    他们依然仁慈、慷慨、热情、 任劳任怨

  • The child in her grief and neglect was so gentle so quiet and uncomplaining ;

    女孩子处于悲伤与被冷落的 境地中,是那么温柔,那么安静和 没有 怨言

  • He was a cheerful and uncomplaining travel companion .

    他是一个乐观开朗 从不 抱怨的旅伴。