


  • As with privately owned off-campus apartments some are unfurnished and thus may be unsuitable for the foreign couple whose budget does not allow for the purchase or rental of furniture .

    至于校外私人所有的公寓套间,有些是 除了 炉灶 冰箱 不配 别的 家具的。因此不适合那些其预算不容许购置或租用家具的外国夫妇。

  • We rented an unfurnished apartment .

    我们租了一套 家具的公寓。

  • Is the apartment furnished or unfurnished ?

    公寓是装修还是 装修

  • The airflows in unfurnished room were then simulated .

    最后,模拟了 假定 房间中的气流。

  • Um is the place being sold unfurnished or * ?

    呃,这个地方 连同 家具一起卖吗?

  • The college 's houses for faculty are mostly unfurnished .

    学院为教员提供的房子大部分是 家具的。

  • The airflows in unfurnished room were the simulated .

    最后,模拟 假定房间中的空气分布。

  • Sam says It can be furnished or unfurnished your choice .

    山姆说,“你可以选在 家具或者 布置 家具。”

  • Numerical Simulation of Airflows in Unfurnished Room


  • Since 2011 the cost of renting luxury housing has jumped 15 % in Hong Kong where it now costs over $ 11 to rent an unfurnished three-bedroom apartment in a desirable neighborhood according to human-resources consulting firm ECA International .

    2011年以来,香港豪宅租赁价格已经上涨15%。人力资源咨询公司ECAInternational说,现在要在某个令人满意的社区里租一套 家具的三居室公寓,租金已经超过11800美元。

  • We have single one bedroom to four bedroom furnished or unfurnished . A furnished flat at $ 8 per week .

    我们有单人 套房、一房至四房的 单位家具或 家具 单位。一套带家具的公寓房子,每周 房租八美元。

  • Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished house ?

    你想要带家具的还是 家具的?

  • This showed that the average rent for a luxury two-bedroom unfurnished apartment had risen by nearly 19 per cent to almost $ 2 a month .

    该表显示,一套豪华但未配 家具的双卧公寓,平均租金已上涨近19%,至每月2534美元。