Determine water requirements for each unit of production and check usage frequently .
计算每个生产 单位所需的水量,并经常 查验耗水量。
In this unit : you will learn how to order the food and check out .
单元 简介:你会学习怎么点菜和 结账离开。
In the analysis of main transformer phase B of unit 2 in Ling ' ao Nuclear Power Station ( LNPS ) by chromatography acetylene was found . In order to carry out the inside check the main transformer had been stopped and restored after necessary maintenances .
针对岭澳核电站2 号主变压器B相油样色谱分析发现乙炔事件,将主变压器停运并进行了内部 检查,在完成了必要的改进性维修后变压器恢复运行。
However the construction unit may hand over the urban road right after it passes the check and acceptance with the approval of the municipal government and on the basis of the needs of city traffic .
但根据城市交通需要,经市政府批准,建设 单位也可在道路工程 验收合格后即移交给市或区道路主管部门统一 维护和管理。
Therefore further developing deeply the test on the relative efficiency of generating unit exploring its efficiency change laws and determining the corresponding coupled relationship are the important measures for realizing the economic operation of power plant and developing the situation check of equipment .
进一步深入开展 机组的相对效率试验,探索其变化规律,确定与之对应的协联关系,是电站经济运行和开展设备状态 检修的重要措施。
Besides the unit with duty in law other departments have no right enter the external investment enterprise to check .
外来投资企业,除法律设定有职责的 单位外,其它部门不得借故入内 检查。
In this paper the design methods of every unit are introduced in detail and the experiment results of linear shrinkage stress and heat check got by the new device are presented .
本文详细介绍了各 单元的设计方法,同时给出了新型仪器用于评定典型铸造合金的热 裂、线收缩、应力特性的试实验结果。
If the oxygen sensor heater circuit is wired directly to the control unit an A / D converter with a basic shunt circuit is used to directly check the current of the circuit ( Fig.6 ) .
假如氧传感器加热通路间接联接到掌握 器,存正在一度根本的串联通路的A/D转换器可用来间接 审查以后的通路(图6)。
C.Following the debug of the hardware circuit the experiments of correction on the merge unit have been done to check the integrity and the accuracy class of the data transmitted .
本文在完成硬件电路调试的基础上,利用所研制的合并 单元对电子式互感器进行了误差 校验,考查了其传输数据的完整性和精度等级。
Power on the unit and check the display of the microcomputer .
合上电控箱内的 电源开关, 检查微电脑显示 是否 正常。
The chief engineer shall organize the principle engineer and constructon unit to check the physical unit work at the field ;
总监理工程师组织专业监理工程师会同施工 单位到现场对单位工程实物进行 检查;
Unit validators can check the capabilities requirements attributes and links on the unit and ensure that the unit is properly configured as a whole .
单元确认器会 检查单元上的功能,需求,属性以及链接,以确保单元会作为一个整体进行配置。
If electronic components e.g.abs control unit have been removed for repair work and are then reused they must be given a functional check after installation in accordance with the existing specifications provided !
如果象abs控制 单元这样的电子部件在修理时被拆下,然后又被重复使用,那么安装后,必须根据现在提供的技术规范对其进行功能 检查!
Briefly deals with the importance of checking the deformation conditions in moment distribution . Introduces and comments three check methods and suggests that the unit load method to check the result of moment distribution in design would be used .
简述了力矩分配法中变形条件校核的必要性,评述了三种校核方法,建议在设计工作中,用 单位荷载法 校核力矩分配法的成果。
A display unit allows the driver to check if the gearbox is at the correct temperature .
驾驶员可以使用显示 装置来 查看变速箱油的温度是否正常。
Ni2 + inhibited significantly the growth of pathogen but the unit activities of 3 extracellular enzymes in suspension containing Ni2 + is 1 . 7 times higher than check .
Ni~(2+)显著抑制细菌的生长,但在含Ni~(2+)培养液中3种胞外酶的 单位活性比 对照高1.7倍以上。
In the new scheme the media file is divided into a number of storage unit . The storage unit is the smallest unit of data check .
新的方案把媒体文件按媒体包分成若干存储单元,以存储单元为 单位做数据 校验。
Modification of Shafting Torsional Vibration Model for A Large Sized Turbogenerator Unit The Check and Correction of Torsional Vibration Model of Turbo-generator Shafts
汽轮发电 机组轴系扭振模型改进机组轴系扭振模型的 参数 校核与修正
As long as the class being tested behaves as expected it won 't notice the difference and the unit test can check that the proper query was emitted .
只要正在被测试的类的行为如所期望的那样,它将不会注意到差异,而 单元测试会 检查 是否发出了正确的查询。
The process of scale removal by acid cleaning for 210 MW unit condenser and the chemical cleaning procedures the check and evaluation of chemical cleaning effect are emphatically introduced . At last the rates of scale and corrosion inhibitions are discussed thoroughly .
着重介绍了210MW 机组凝汽器的酸洗除垢工艺,化学清洗过程及清洗效果的 检查与评价,并围绕着凝汽器化学清洗的除垢率、腐蚀速率进行了深入的讨论。
To display or hide vertical lines between unit labels select or clear the tick lines check box .
要显示或隐藏 单位标签之间的竖线,请选中或清除“刻度线 ” 复选框。
There is reading material after each unit for enlarging vocabulary which can also be used for students to check their reading comprehension skills .
每个 单元后面配有阅读材料,以扩大专业词汇量,同时,也可用于 检测学生的阅读理解能力。
Methods ARDS patients admitted in the intensive care unit ( ICU ) during the period of 1998-2003 were listed in this study with their clinical data to analyse various special risk factors contributing to the death rate using χ 2 test to check the significant difference .
方法收集1998&2003年间因ARDS收入 ICU所有患者的临床资料,分析各种特定危险因素与病死率之间关系,进行χ2 检验。
美[ˈjunɪt tʃɛk]英[ˈju:nit tʃek]