Diagnostic Significance of Motor Unit Number Estimation in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
运动 单位 数目测定对糖尿病周围神经病的诊断价值
Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of motor unit number estimation ( MUNE ) in neuromuscular disorders .
目的:探讨运动 单位 数目测定(MUNE)对神经肌肉疾病的诊断价值。
You can replace numerous small disks with a single large logical unit number ( LUN ) .
可以使用单个大逻辑 单元 号(LUN)来替代许多小磁盘。
The stock keeping unit number for this physical element .
这个物理组件的库存 单位 号。
Construction unit number was calculated by determining molecular weight . About 30-67 MAH units are grafted to a CPP chain .
测定了接枝物的分子量,计算了接枝物的结构 单元 数,认为每个氯化聚丙烯链上接上的马来酸酐基团个数在30~67之间;
And that basically said alright we 're done with this looking we 've seen evidence at Oconee one 1 at Oconee three Arkansas unit number one .
那基本上说我们已经完成了这个,观察,我已经在Oconee1看到了证据,在 Oconee,3,Arkansas 单位。
Various ANN parameters such as the training efficiency learning factor momentum the hidden-layer unit number and the method of data processing may affect the application of the ANN .
人工神经网络的参数,如学习率、训练步长、动量系数、隐含层 单元 数和数据处理方式等对于人工神经网络的应用效果有很大影响。
Meanwhile two different conceptions thermal exergy and potential exergy are put to use and the influence caused thereby on the optimal unit number of heat transfer is discussed .
同时运用了压朋损失和焓朋损失这两个不同的概念,讨论了由此而对最佳传热 单元 数(即换热器尺寸大小)的影响;
Nonexistent logical unit number
不存在的逻辑 设备 号
The effect of time delay unit number on classification precision and the performance of TDNN classifier using three typical aircraft dark room data measured with scale model were studied .
还利用三种飞机缩比模型的暗室测量数据,研究了时延神经网络分类器中时延 单元 数目对分类精度的影响以及分类器的分类性能。
Hausler et al . In addition the relations both between the basic uncertainty and surface roughness basic uncertainty and the relative unit number included in point spread function of the imaging system are also investigated in the paper .
此外,还对基本不确定度与表面粗糙度的关系、基本不确定度与成象系统点扩散函数内所包含的相关 单元 数的关系进行了研究。
Effect factors of motor unit number estimates
运动 单位 数目测定的影响因素
Furthermore as the periodic unit number of layered media is increased the depth and width of high-reflection region become close to those of forbidden band of the periodic unit .
并且,随着分层介质周期 单元 数的增多,高反射区的深度和带宽就越接近于周期单元禁带的深度和宽度。
The result shows that the construction of affordable housing is not ideal both in unit number and capital investment far behind the commercial real estate construction .
数据显示,我国的保障性住房建设一直以来从 数量到资金投入都不理想,远远落后于商业性房地产的建设 面积和发展水平。
A new and practical calculation method is presented to optimize the 110 kV substation number its capacity and unit number in urban network .
提出一种新颖实用的优化选择城网110kV变电所变电容量、 台数及个数的计算方法。
Motor unit number estimate by semi-automatic incremental stimulation in 67 healthy subjects
健康成人半自动递增刺激法运动 单位 数目估测研究
Based on the size of optimization design magnetic field leakage curves of different magnetization unit number structure spacing were gained .
基于优化设计的结构尺寸,通过计算得到不同磁化 单元个 数、磁化结构间距漏磁场分布曲线,对比分析由于多个磁化结构的引入所引起的缺陷漏磁场叠加规律、各磁化单元间的相互影响。
Values of motor unit number estimation in neurogenic diseases
运动 单位 数目测定在神经源性疾病中的价值
This should include the title of the piece of work your name and student number the unit number and name of lecturer and the date of submission .
封面内容包括论文题目,学生姓名,学生号, 科目 编号,科目名称,教授姓名,作业到期日子。
Underneath the unit number each flag displayed a short message .
单位 序号的后面,每面旗帜传达了一个简短的信息。
The entropy generation number N st of heat exchangers of several flowing pattern was compared with that of contraflow heat exchanger . The varying law of N st with the heat transfer unit number NTU inlet temperature ratio τ and heat capacity ratio C was obtained .
将几种流动型式换热器相对于逆流式换热器进行了熵产生数相对值的比较,得到了熵产生数相对值随传热 单元 数、入口温度之比和热容量之比的变化规律。
A logical unit number is simply the number assigned to a logical unit .
逻辑 单元 号是分配给逻辑单元的数字。
And using mathematics simulation lens array has been analyzed and designed based on the focus lens about unit number radius thickness long axis and short axis .
同时与聚焦透镜配合进行数值分析列阵透镜,确定了 单元 数、曲率和厚度以及 单元长和宽等参数。
But a unit number wouldbe registered right ?
但是 小组 号会被注册是吧?
The first three numbers for each item refer to SCSI bus device ID and LUN ( Logical Unit Number ) respectively .
每一项的前三个数字分别指SCSI总线、设备标识和LUN(逻辑 单元 号, Logical Unit Number)。
The implicit transfer function of wave dispersion in large diameter SHPB has been determined by using the BP neural network and the dynamic finite element calculation . The dispersion effect has been modified . The effect of neural unit number in network on network mapping has also been discussed .
采用BP神经网络和瞬态有限元计算,确定了大直径SHPB杆弥散效应的隐式传递函数,对弥散效应进行了修正,讨论了网络隐层的 神经元个 数对网络映射的影响。
Objective To establish the normal value of motor unit number estimation ( MUNE ) of thenar muscles to study its relationship with age and test the reproducibility of the technique and its use in MND .
目的建立大鱼际肌运动 单位估 数(MUNE)正常值并研究与年龄的关系和该技术的重复性及其在运动神经元病(MND)中的应用。
This model can overcome the shortcomings of BP networks such as the shortcoming of the parameters of network the uncertain unit number of the hidden layer and the slowly learning rate etc.
该模型克服了传统BP神经网络参数不足、隐含层 单元 数目难以确定、收效速度较慢等缺点。
Unit number and name of the building .
写字楼的 门牌和名称。
美[ˈjunɪt ˈnʌmbɚ]英[ˈju:nit ˈnʌmbə]