universal constants

[化] 普适常数

  • The physical purpose of the devil 's carpet lies in the fact that it can answer how many generalized Feigenbaum 's universal scaling constants exist ( infinitelymany ) and where they distribute ( within the ETEC plateaus ) .

    魔毯的物理意义体现在回答了有多少广义Feigenbaum 标度 常数(无穷多个)以及它们在何处分布(处于等拓扑熵类平台之中)。

  • A renormalization group approach for universal constants of period doubling sequences

    倍周期分岔序列 常数的重整化群逼近

  • Universal Properties and Universal Constants in Bifurcation Structure of Nonlinear Mappings A Geometric Result for Approximating Fixed Points of Nonlinear Mappings by Iteration Sequence

    非线性映像分支点结构中的一些普遍规律和 常数迭代序列逼近非线性映像不动点集的一个几何结构

  • An Universal Experienced Formula for Calculating Lattice Constants of Substituted YIG Single Crystal

    掺杂YIG单晶 晶格 常数经验公式

  • The speed of light is considered as one of the universal constants .

    光的速度被认为是一个 宇宙 常数