unit string

[ˈjunɪt strɪŋ][ˈju:nit striŋ]


  • The unit can acquire and store real-time parameters of string creep displacement under different temperatures and pressures providing reference for analyzing the force condition of the string optimizing string configuration and designing accessory tools .

    装置能够实时采集并存储温度、压力变化时的管 受力和蠕动位移参数,可为研究分析井下管柱的受力,优化井下管柱结构和设计配套工具结构提供参考依据。

  • For example a particular unit may need an integer and a string in English ( like Raymond has4 cars ) but requires two integers and a string in another language .

    例如,在英语中,一个特定 单元可能需要一个整数和一个 字符串(比如“Raymondhas4cars”),但是在另一种语言中需要两个整数和一个字符串。

  • A token is the smallest unit of parsed string that will have meaning to the parsing program .

    标记是将对解析程序有意义的解析 字符串的最小 单位

  • Mums and dads were asked to rank their children 's behavior within the family unit based on a string of categories including ease of care compatibility and overall behavior .

    研究者要求这些父母给他们孩子在家庭中的表现 打分。评分标准包括容易照料指数、彼此间相处融洽度和整体表现。

  • Development of the detection unit for downhole string creep by force

    井下管 受力蠕动检测 装置的研制

  • Each of these unit test methods takes an object of a specific class and a string ( where the string is expected to be the name of the getter method that you are testing ) .

    每个 单元测试方法获取一个具体类的对象和一个 字符串(字符串应该是您在测试的getter方法的名称)。

  • The feature of the progressive cavity pump mobile intermittent recovery technique is using a tractor as power unit adopting a double universal coupling transmitting the power to a drive head to make the rod string rotate and thereby drive the progressive cavity pump for pumping .

    新开发的螺杆泵机动间歇采油技术及 设备的主要特征是用拖拉机做动力源,用双万向联轴器把动力传递给驱动头,由驱动头带动抽油杆 旋转,进而驱动螺杆泵旋转抽油。

  • For DBI global cosmic sting we calculated their mass of unit length by linear approximation finding that in the region far away from the core of the string its mass of unit length is similar with that of a canonical global string with larger core radius .

    对于DBI整体宇宙弦,我们利用线性近似,计算了其单位长度质量,并发现在远离弦核处,其 单位长度质量与弦半径更大的正则整体 相似。

  • When OCTETS is used as the string length unit the length of a string is determined by simply counting the bytes of the string .

    使用OCTETS作为字符串长度 单元时,通过简单地计算字符串的字节数即可确定 字符串的长度。

  • In order to make the pumping unit work on a slant straight hole under favourable condition the stress on sucker rod string is analyzed and the method for calculating the stroke length and pumping speed of a beam pumping unit for slant straight holes is discussed .

    为了使斜直井 油机能合理地工作,对抽油杆 受力进行了分析,并论述了计算斜直井游梁式抽油机冲程长度和冲次的方法。

  • Numerical Control Pumping Unit and Optimum Design of Sucker Rod String

    数控 及抽油杆 优化设计

  • The mathematical models for describing behaviors of pumping unit pump tubing string and the compound system were set up and the corresponding simulation models were established according to the systematic dynamics .

    根据系统动力学理论建立了 、抽油泵、 管柱及其互作用系统力学数学模型,并建立了相应的仿真模型。

  • Recognizing the character as a single unit as opposed to a sequence of bytes is a requirement in the case of string manipulations involving multi-byte characters .

    将字符看作一个 单元而不是一个字节序列,这是进行多字节字符的 字符串操作的必要条件。

  • To create a unit test for the string class you need to subclass the CppUnit : : TestCase class and override the runTest method .

    要想为 字符串类创建 单元测试,需要创建CppUnit::TestCase类的子类并覆盖runTest方法。

  • The embedded SQL statement casts the manager names in the unit table into an XML type ( in this case into an XML string ) and feeds them into the XQuery .

    嵌入式SQL语句将 unit表中的主管姓名强制转换为XML类型(本例中为XML 字符串),然后将其提供给XQuery。