validity of contract


  • Study on the Validity of Contract Beyond Managing Confine

    超越经营范围所 订立 合同 效力问题初探

  • The Validity of Contract The writer contract is requested and consequently the contract has different types and with formatted clauses .

    合同的书面 合同形式上的要求,与之相应的是,租赁合同文本具有多样 和格式 等特点。

  • The comparative studies of legal regulations of unauthorized disposition in other jurisdictions reveal that the majority of countries have recognized the validity of contract involving unauthorized disposition . As we know market economy is based on rule of law .

    通过比较法研究各国无权处分制度,各国并无与我国《合同法》第51条相类似的规定,绝大多数国家规定为债权 合同 有效。市场经济就是法治经济。

  • To solve the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard accounting is characterized decision usefulness and the validity of contract .

    为解决逆向选择和道德风险问题,会计被赋予决策有用性和 契约 有效 的功能。

  • On the Limits of Validity of Contract Clauses

    合同条款的 效力界限

  • According to the dogmatics of civil law the right of claim for execution of a contract may include the requirement of validity of contract at least .

    民法教义学中,合同履行请求权至少应包括 合同 生效要件。

  • Moreover the detail of violation in the contract of the mandatory rules can tell us the effect on the validity of contract from concrete situation and dynamic situation .

    此外,从违反强制性规范的合同具体情形可以从更细致的角度来考察对 合同 效力的影响,从具体的,动态 合同具体情形来 认定 合同 效力问题。

  • Because the information useful in decision-making cannot ensure the validity of contract there is a inconsistency between decision usefulness and validity of contract .

    对决策有用的信息不一定能保证 契约 有效,会计的决策有用性与契约有效性之间存在冲突。

  • Face legal difficulties small property in accordance with the existing legal system in China mainly include : legislative conflicts property rights issues the validity of contract for the sale of claims and the small property inheritance supervision and other legal issues .

    依照我国现行法律制度,小产权房所面临法律困境主要有:立法上的冲突、物权方面的问题、债权方面买卖 合同 效力 问题以及对小产权房的继承、监管等其他方面的法律问题。

  • An Approach to the Constructive Validity of Contract

    合同 有效推定的探讨

  • Both establishment of contract and entry into force of contract are determined in the case of fact while whether a contract is valid will be defined by the law . Thus in legal practice the validity of contract can be confirmed .

    合同成立与合同生效都属于事实上的判断,合同有效才属于法律上的判断,在司法实践中对于依法 成立或生效的合同,都可确认其 合同 效力

  • Source of validity of contract is most essential question of contract law and contract theory .

    合同 效力根源是合同法及合同理论上的最根本的问题。

  • Therefore the regulations about the limits of validity of contract clauses should be added according to legal fairness and substantial justice .

    从法律公平与实质正义出发,应增加 合同条款的 效力界限规范。

  • As a result formulating accounting standard in reality is harmonization between the two ones and goodwill accounting policy selection is in true a delicate balance between decision usefulness and validity of contract .

    准则的制定过程实质上是对二者的协调过程。商誉会计政策的选择是决策有用性与 契约 有效 之间的恰当平衡。

  • Finally the author gived legislative advice about the system of the validity of contract of mandatory provisions of laws violated : Violation of law mandatory provisions of contract is invalid but the judge think it is not invalid by balance case .

    最后,笔者提出关于违反强制性规定 合同 效力的立法建议:违反法律强制性规定的合同无效,但法官在个案权衡中不以之为无效的除外。

  • To further confirm what kind of impact of specific mandatory provisions can be on the validity of contract it should by judged ad hoc considering both the protection of public interest and the balance of parties ' interests .

    在进一步确定具体强制性规定对违反该规范 合同 效力之间将产生何种影响时,应当就个案的各项 情形进行综合判断,不仅要考虑公益保护,还要考虑对当事人利益的平衡。

  • The writer thinks : one concept should be use to express the various statuses of validity of contract brought from rescinding contract in part or whole ;

    本文认为,应使用合同解除一个概念表述 合同 效力部分或全部消灭的各种形态;

  • Validity of contract means the contract that has been established takes effect on law because it has the needed important conditions .

    合同 有效是指已经成立的合同因符合法定的有效要件,从而产生法律效力。

  • In the 3rd Chapter the author suggests to improve the theory of validity of contract in China . Also the thesis makes system designs in the views of the legislation and the administration of justice .

    第三章对我国法律理论的完善提出了建议,并从立法与司法的角度 违法 合同 效力 问题作出具体的制度设计。

  • Through the exercise of these rights the validity of contract can be firmed .

    通过这些权利的行使使已成立 合同 效力得以确定。

  • However in judicial practice there is a big controversy in validity of contract on transferring shares which infringes this term .

    然而,在司法实践中,对违反公司章程另有规定的股权转让 合同 效力却存在较大的争议。

  • Discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding-up .

    合同的权利义务终止,不影响 合同中结算和清理条款的 效力

  • On connotation of validity and foundation of validity of contract

    合同 效力内涵与效力基础

  • The validity of contract means the legal effect or the legal binding force of a contract between contracting parties .

    合同 效力是指合同在合同当事人之间产生的法律效力,或者说是法律拘束力。

  • The Validity of Contract

    合同 形式 效力 问题 探讨

  • But will theory of contract is also in the crisis . Source of validity of the contracts is becoming a legalism in other word it is law itself give the enforcement and validity of contract .

    但是合同的意思理论也在出现为危机,因为合同效力来源逐渐走向了一种法定 ,也就是说,是 实证法本身赋予了 合同效力和约束力。

  • In academic or practical circles there is no objection to that the plaintiff shall bear the burden of proof on the special requirements of validity of contract .

    其中, 合同的特别 生效 要件由原告承担证明责任,学说及实践中已无异议;

  • Undue influence is a kind of system to affirm the validity of contract which derived from equity and based on the principle of justice .

    不当影响是英国衡平法本着公平正义的原则发展而来的一种确认 合同 效力的制度。

  • In the direction of international law comparative study of the validity of contract has been a blank .

    在国际法方向, 合同 效力 制度的比较研究一直是一个空白。