updating algorithm

[计] 更新算法

  • The thesis gives the users ' interests model updating algorithm on the client the client-agent and the server .

    同时给出了客户端、客户端服务代理与服务器端用户兴趣的获取与 更新 算法

  • Study on attitude - updating algorithm .

    捷联姿态 算法研究。

  • In addition improved algorithm is compared with Incremental Updating Algorithm by experiment .

    紧接着本文通过实验把改进的算法与增量式 更新 算法进行了比较分析。

  • This paper analyzes background signal and according to characteristic of back-ground signal provides a scheme of choosing every parameter value in algorithm and a new updating algorithm of background model .

    本文对背景信号进行了分析,根据背景信号的特点,给出了背景 更新算法中各参数值的选取方案,并 提出了一种新的背景模型 更新 算法

  • This paper researches the vehicles detecting technology based on video . The main research contents of this paper are as fallows : 1 . This paper researches the algorithm of background extracting and updating algorithm .

    本文对基于视频的车辆检测技术进行了研究和探索,主要研究内容如下:1.研究了背景提取与 更新 算法

  • Incremental Updating Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune System for Mining Association Rules

    基于人工免疫系统的关联规则 增量 挖掘

  • Exploration of a Negative Incremental Updating Algorithm for Mining Association Rules

    关联规则中一种负增量 更新 算法的探讨

  • An improved incremental updating algorithm SFUP is developed based on study of the principle and efficiency of FUP algorithm .

    通过对挖掘关联规则增量 更新中FUP 算法的关键思想以及性能进行了研究,提出了改进的FUP算法SFUP。

  • Research of self-adaptive background updating algorithm in vehicle detection

    车辆检测中的自适应背景 更新 算法研究

  • Study on velocity - updating algorithm .

    研究了速度 更新 算法 比力 转换 算法

  • Structure finite element model updating algorithm based on the frequency response function by simulation computation and the full scale test is also researched .

    并以仿真计算和实物试验为对象对基于频响函数的结构有限元模型 修正 算法进行了研究。

  • The proposed weight updating algorithm and tracking method provide a stable and reliable basis for the accuracy and robustness of tracking algorithm .

    本文提出的权值 调整 算法及跟踪方法,为跟踪的精度和鲁棒性提供了稳定可靠的基础。

  • The index dynamic updating algorithm complex has achieves O ( n ) based on chain memory .

    该系统采用的链式存储结构下的索引 更新 算法复杂度达到了O(n)。

  • On the data updating algorithm based on distributed data flow under grid environment

    网格环境下基于分布式数据流频繁模式的数据 更新 算法

  • The probability updating algorithm for acyclic Temporal Bayesian network based on model simplification and general probability updating algorithm for Temporal Bayesian network are presented .

    其中在时间贝叶斯网络研究中,分别提出了适用于非循环时间贝叶斯网络的基于模型化简的概率 更新 算法和一般概率更新算法。

  • Selection of the multi-layer activation function and the updating algorithm for the quantum neural network including are analysis .

    首先详细分析了量子神经网络的设计步骤,包括多层激活函数的选取和 更新 算法的确定。

  • Results Furthermore a modified ULV updating algorithm is applied to performing noise subspace tracking .

    结果使用一种修改的ULV 更新 算法进行噪声子空间跟踪。

  • Research on Incremental Updating Algorithm of Association Rules Mining Based on Multiple Minimum Supports

    基于多最小支持 增量式关联规则挖掘 算法研究

  • Incremental updating algorithm for neighborhood-based attribute reduction based on discernibility matrix

    基于邻域辨识矩阵的属性约简 增量式 算法

  • Aiming at such problem this paper proposes a skyline updating algorithm in dynamic space set .

    针对上述问题,提出动态空间集下的轮廓 更新 算法

  • Then a new algorithm IBLCluster is presented on the basis of IBL algorithm and it mainly includes concept description formative algorithm and concept description updating algorithm .

    它主要由概念描述形成算法和概念描述 修改 算法构成。

  • An Updating Algorithm of Concept Lattice Based on Concept Promoting

    基于概念提升的概念格 更新 构造 算法

  • Adaptive Length Updating Algorithm Based on Exponential for Equalizers with High Convergence Rate A FAST CONVERGENCE ALGORITHM FOR FRACTAL IMAGE DECODING

    快速收敛的指数线性均衡器长度 更新 算法一种加快分形图像解码收敛速度的方法

  • An incremental updating algorithm of association rules with linguistic terms is proposed .

    提出一种语言值关联规则的增量 更新 算法

  • To deal with variations in the scene 's illumination a template updating algorithm based on a particle filter was adopted .

    针对未知环境下的移动机器人实时避障问题,设计了一种基于模板 更新和模板 匹配的避障算法。

  • At last the routing table updating algorithm is presented .

    最后介绍了二级路由查找下的路由 更新 算法

  • A Model Updating Algorithm for Support Vector Machine Based Color Image Sequence Restoration

    基于支持向量机的彩色序列图像复原模型 更新 算法

  • In this paper an updating algorithm is proposed for matrix inversion in decorrelating and MMSE algorithm with randomly-accessing users in DS / CDMA system .

    针对实际信道的动态性,即用户的随机接入或离开信道,研究矩阵求逆的 更新 算法以避免对相关矩阵的实时求逆运算。

  • This paper presents an effective Updating algorithm . It uses FP-tree and maximum frequent item-sets that have been mined to discover new maximum frequent item-sets .

    本文提出了一种高效的 更新 算法,即利用原来FP-树和已经挖掘出的最大频繁项目集去发现新的最大频繁项目集。

  • The attitude updating algorithm is an determinant factor in strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) . Exercise .

    研究了捷联系统姿态 更新的等效旋动矢量 算法,并以锥运动为条件,对等效旋动矢量 算法进行了 优化