update option

[ʌpˈdet ˈɑpʃən][ʌpˈdeit ˈɔpʃən]

[计] 更新任选

  • Especially the Guitar equipped structural design knowledge because of their knowledge update feature through the site for quality packaging state-building courses is the best option .

    特别是《结装结构设计》知识,因其自身知识 更新快的特点,通过网站进行包装结构国家精品课程的建设无疑是最佳的 选择

  • Fail to get update option of the link !

    得不到链接的 更新 选项

  • Add a second option with a value of Update and a description of Update Request .

    添加第二个 选项,值为Update和描述为 UpdateRequest。

  • You can view insert update or delete data for tables and views using the Show Data menu option that is available on the table and view nodes in the Microsoft Server Explorer tree .

    在MicrosoftServerExplorer树中,您可以使用表和视图节点中的ShowData菜单 选项对表和视图中的数据执行查看、插入、 更新或删除操作。

  • When you enforce referential integrity and choose the cascade update related fields option and you then update a primary key access automatically updates all fields that reference the primary key .

    如果您实施了参照完整性并选择“级联 更新相关字段 选项,在您更新主键时,access将自动更新参照主键的所有字段。

  • Update the mailto option in the file promises . cf with the proper email address .

    用适当的电子邮件地址 更新文件promises.cf内的“mailto” 选项

  • To update statistics on all the tables or a group of tables in DB2 you can use the REORGCHK command with the UPDATE STATISTICS option .

    要对DB2中所有表或一组表的统计信息进行更新,可使用REORGCHK命令以及 UPDATESTATISTICS 选项

  • Access helps you avoid this problem by supporting the cascade update related fields option .

    access通过支持“级联 更新相关字段 选项避免了这一问题。

  • The Rollout Application Update Option described next provides improved service availability for application updates .

    接下来描述的RolloutApplication Update Option,为应用程序更新提供了改进的服务可用性。

  • Selecting this option modifies the update and delete statements to detect whether individual records have been modified since they were originally read into the data table .

    选择此 选项会修改 update和delete语句,以检测各个记录自最初读入数据表以来是否已修改。

  • Therefore many organizations lacking an impetus to update their technology stack may not have the option of using this offering .

    因此,许多缺乏 更新其技术栈的动力的组织可能 无法使用此产品。

  • An error occurred while checking if the index for this store has the ' Update this index automatically ' option enabled .

    检查此存储的索引是否启用了自动 更新此索引 选项时出错。

  • The Teradata connector provides equivalent features via the update and stream drivers in the bulk mode option .

    Teradata连接器的批量模式中的 更新和流驱动程序提供了与之等价的特性。

  • In the Eclipse Update Manager you 'll see an option to view various aspects about the plugin .

    在Eclipse 更新管理器中,有一个查看插件各方面特性的 选项

  • When you select this option the wizard will attempt to generate insert update and delete statements based on the select statement defined on the generate SQL statements page .

    选择此 选项时,向导将根据在“生成sql语句”页上定义的select语句尝试生成insert、 update和delete语句。

  • Then update the XML schema again with the DROP NEW SCHEMA option .

    然后再次使用DROPNEWSCHEMA 选项 更新XMLschema。

  • In explicit UPDATE STATISTICS operations in MEDIUM mode a new SAMPLING SIZE option in the Resolution clause can specify the minimum number of rows to sample for column distributions .

    在MEDIUM模式的显式的 UPDATESTATISTICS操作中,Resolution子句中新的SAMPLINGSIZE 选项可以指定列分布进行抽样的最少行数。

  • This option generates a script containing SQL UPDATE statements .

    选项生成包含了SQL UPDATE语句的脚本。

  • If you need to have the view refreshed every so often you can run an agent to update the view or set the view ? s indexing option to auto at most every n hours .

    如果需要时常刷新视图,可以运行代理来 更新视图或将视图的索引 选项设为自动,至多每n个小时一次。

  • On the collect model statistics page verify that the update model statistics before generating option is selected and then click next .

    在“收集模型统计信息”页中,确保已选中“在生成前 更新模型统计信息” 选项,再单击“下一步”。