





  • I hope I haven 't said anything to upset you .

    但愿我没有说过 高兴的话。

  • On Monday I was still upset and I phoned in sick to work .

    星期一,我还是 感觉 ,便打电话到单位请了病假。

  • All this has upset me . I need time to digest it all .

    所以这些都 心烦。我需要时间来慢慢接受这一切。

  • A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth .

    他认识的一位女孩对他越来越粗的腰身说三道四,这 心里 痛快。

  • She was badly upset by the sad news .

    这一不幸的消息给了她很大的 刺激

  • The whole incident had upset me and my fiancee terribly

    整个事件 得我和未婚妻都 心烦意乱

  • They are terribly upset by the break-up of their parents ' marriage .

    父母婚姻破裂 他们极度 苦恼

  • Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset

    保罗昨晚 肚子 舒服

  • It wasn 't anything serious . A mild stomach upset that 's all .

    没什么大不了的。只是胃有 舒服,没别的。

  • She 's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation .


  • After she died I felt very very upset

    她去世之后,我非常非常 难过

  • After a pause Alex said sharply : ' I 'm sorry if I 've upset you '

    歇了一会儿后,亚历克斯毫不客气地说:“要是 心烦 我很抱歉。”

  • House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property .

    房价很容易 受到与房产毫不相干的因素的 干扰

  • He had an upset stomach

    他胃 舒服

  • On Wednesday night I had a very vivid dream which really upset me .


  • Don 't upset yourself Ida .

    自寻烦恼 ,艾达。

  • She sounded upset when I said you couldn 't give her an appointment

    我告诉她你不能安排与她会面时,她的声音听上去 有些 沮丧

  • You have a lot of people that are very upset with what happened .


  • Don 't upset the piles of sheets under the box .

    不要 箱子下面那几叠床单 弄乱了。

  • You looked pretty upset just now

    你刚才看上去挺 难过的。

  • He excused himself on the pretext of a stomach upset

    他借口自己胃 舒服离开了。

  • You can imagine he was terribly upset

    你能想象得出来,他当时心里 得要命。

  • Marta looked upset

    玛尔塔一副 沮丧的模样。

  • Stephen is going to be pretty upset when he finds out how you tricked him

    如果斯蒂芬发现你怎样欺骗了他,他会非常 气愤

  • She warned me not to say anything to upset him

    她警告我不要说任何 高兴的话。

  • When she first contacted me Frances was upset .

    弗朗西丝第一次与我联系时 心烦意乱

  • She gets very upset if I exclude her from anything

    要是有什么事情我不让她参加,她会非常 难过

  • She cried on the phone and was very upset and I really felt for her .

    她在电话里哭了,非常 难过,我很同情她。

  • Whatever you do don 't upset the women .

    不管你做什么,不要 女士们 感到