update run

[ʌpˈdet rʌn][ʌpˈdeit rʌn]

[计] 更新运行

  • Interactive test runner : a Java main application which can load update and reload modules as well as run tests .

    交互式测试运行器:一个可以加载、 更新、重新加载并 运行测试的Java应用。

  • Have you ever wondered if the update statistics command you are about to run is actually needed since the last time you updated statistics ?

    自从最近一次更新过统计数据后,您是否想过您将要 运行 updatestatistics命令是否真正必要?

  • To ensure that all existing rows are handled properly the UPDATE statement is run .

    为了确保所有已有的行都得到适当的处理, 运行 UPDATE语句。

  • This example shows why UPDATE STATISTICS has to be run periodically .

    这个例子表明为什么必须定期 运行 UPDATESTATISTICS。

  • Update statistics is run only on logged databases .

    统计数据 更新只能在启用了日志的数据库上 执行

  • Since the UPDATE STATISTICS are not run automatically the System Catalog tables would not be updated and would still be retaining the old statistical data .

    由于没有自动 运行 UPDATESTATISTICS,所以SystemCatalog表没有更新,仍然保留旧的统计数据。

  • The DB2 optimizer uses catalog statistics to determine the best access path and the main method employed to update these catalog statistics is to run the RUNSTATS utility .

    DB2优化器使用目录统计信息来确定最佳的访问路径,而 更新这些目录统计信息所采用的主要方法就是 运行RUNSTATS实用程序。

  • The following listing shows the distribution of the above data when the UPDATE STATISTICS is run in medium mode with a resolution of10 .

    在medium模式下采用分辨率10 运行 UPDATESTATISTICS时,以上数据的分布如下面的清单所示。

  • This information is useful if you want to speed up the update run time .

    如果要缩短 更新 运行时间,则可以使用此信息。

  • This project contains files used to update and run the weather application and to review database changes after performing some tutorial lessons .

    此项目包含 更新 运行weather应用程序所用的文件,以及在执行了某些教程课程之后检查数据库更改所用的文件。

  • The up-and-running experience is improved with the capability to update the pureQueryXML files without having to run applications in capture mode .

    无需在捕获模式下 运行应用程序,即可 更新pureQueryXML文件,这改进了构建和运行体验。

  • Because the image is always running any addition deletion or update of a method in any class occurs at run time .

    因为它总在运行,对任何类中方法的任何添加、删除或 更新 操作都发生在 运行时。

  • Check out Resources for information on how to update the run time time . c file .

    查看参考资料获得如何 更新 运行时time.c文件的信息。

  • UPDATE STATISTICS should be run after initially loading the data and creating indexes .

    初次装载数据和创建索引之后,应该 运行 UPDATESTATISTICS。

  • All tables involved in the query must have at least UPDATE STATISTICS LOW run against the table .

    查询中涉及的所有表都至少必须有 UPDATESTATISTICSLOW 运行

  • In the Python version it 's easier to update your handlers dynamically at run time .

    在Python版本中更容易在 运行时动态地 更新处理程序。

  • The model base is mainly in charge of saving and indicating the models . The model base management system provides the operation of model cabal save or read update composite run and so on .

    模型库主要用于模型的存储和表示,而模型库管理系统则提供对模型的检索、存取、 更新、组合、 运行等操作。

  • Each time the UPDATE STATISTICS query is run the following system catalog tables are refreshed .

    每当 运行 UPDATESTATISTICS查询时,以下系统编目表都会被刷新。

  • With OSGi you can update the bundles dynamically at run time whenever there 's a code change .

    通过OSGi,可以在 运行时出现更改的情况下随时动态 更新包。

  • If you still want to put the files into a specific folder you can do so without issues if you update your run configuration for the application to the folder 's location .

    如果仍然想把这些文件放入到一个指定的文件夹中,那么完全可以这样做,只需 更新应用程序的 运行配置,指定该文件夹的位置。

  • In the previous example you set the change threshold at5 % to decide if update statistics low is run on tab1 .

    在前例中,将修改阈值设置为5%来确定是否对tab1 运行 updatestatisticslow。

  • A concise and useful update Bulletin will accompany each quarterly update and it will give readers a quick run through of legislative development in the preceding quarter .

    一个简短的、有用的内容更新通告附在每季度 更新的内容的前面,同时,它也为读者提供前一季度法律法规的 梗概

  • After you insert rows and if any of the fragments reach the threshold when update statistics is run the server creates the distribution for that particular fragment .

    在您插入行之后,在 运行 升级统计时,如果任何片段达到阈值,服务器就为那个特殊的片段创建分布。

  • There 's no framework to update the JAR files dynamically at run time whenever there 's a code change .

    没有用于在 运行时出现代码更改的情况下动态 更新JAR文件的框架。

  • This program is used when installing or uninstalling an RPM to update the global class mapping database and should be run in your RPM 's % post and % postun sections .

    当安装或者卸载一个RPM 改变了全局类映射数据库时,我们将使用该程序,并且该程序应该 运行在RPM的%post和%postun部分。

  • Rat Ruixue Spring Festival the annual Chinese New Year this update speed up steady run in harmony with the aspiration of music .

    鼠年瑞雪迎新春,年年新春今 更新,快马加鞭稳步 ,乐在和谐顺民心。

  • It is very important that all the UPDATE statements run successfully and if there are any inconsistencies they should be fixed and re-run .

    所有的 UPDATE语句都 运行成功十分重要,如果存在不一致性,就应该进行修理并重新运行。

  • You also learn how to update ( merge the changes and configure ) and run the bind operation on the new changes .

    还介绍了如何在这些新更改上 更新(合并更改和配置)和 运行绑定操作。

  • When finished if the data involves a UI update remember to spawn off the update into a thread that is run with the UI thread .

    查找完成之后,如果数据涉及到UI更新,记得将该 更新添加到一个与UI线程一起 运行的线程。