upper plate

[ˈʌpɚ plet][ˈʌpə pleit]


  • Accounting to the conditions of upper plate and the base plate of the coal bed the once-tunneling technique is adopted in the drilling with the whole-anchor-supporting .

    根据煤层 底板条件,全锚支护切眼掘进采用一次成巷工艺。

  • Based on the upper plate deformation body of F3 and F9 faults in a hydropower station stability analysis was made on the three-side hanging deformation body in a U-shape river reach .

    以某水电站F3,F9断层 上盘变形体为对象,开展了U形河段三面临空变形体稳定性分析。

  • The pillow comprises an upper plate a lower plate and a lifting device which is designed between the upper plate and the lower plate .

    该枕头由 、下板和设计在其间的升降装置构成。

  • When the fault along the plate and lower toward the upper plate near the excavation that most likely to make fault reactivation causing or aggravating roadway bear bias resulting in local deformation of roadway severely damaged .

    当沿断层走向在 上盘 下盘附近开挖时,最易使断层活化,造成或加重巷道承受偏压,导致巷道局部变形、破坏严重。

  • This paper presents the structural design of the upper plate bottom plate and outside wall of basement at high-rising building

    本文着重讲述了高层建筑地下室的 顶板、底板、侧墙的结构设计

  • The sliding block is arranged on and movably integrated with an upper molding plate .

    所述滑块装在 定型 上联接为可动整体;

  • When the charge is applied if the upper plate is negative we would expect that the negative droplet would be repelled at a rate exceeding the gravitational fall .

    当电荷起作用时,如果 上边 板子是负电的,我们可以期待负电的液滴会,超过重力下降速度的速度被排斥。

  • The utility model is composed of an upper bent plate a lower bent plate a clamping device assembly and a rotary body assembly .

    此夹具由 下弯 ,压紧装置总程和旋转体总程组成。

  • There is friction between the plates so that crinkling of the upper plate occurs .

    在板块之间有摩擦力,所以位于 上面的那个 板块会起褶皱。

  • An upper cover plate can also be arranged between the panel body and the steel plate and the panel body the upper cover plate and the steel plate are fixedly connected .

    本实用新型板体、钢板之间还可设置 盖板,板体、上盖板、钢板固定连接。

  • Research on Temperature Stress in Super-Area Upper Plate of Basement

    超大面积地下室 顶板温度应力研究

  • This paper explains checking for structural strength and stiffness by finite elment method in developing weight in motion and gives the thickness of upper plate ( measure area of strain ) .

    本文阐述了在动态称重仪研制过程中用有限元法对结构进行强度,刚度校核,提出应变测量区( 面板)的参考尺寸;

  • Taking design of Maoyingzi Bridge No.1 interchange in Jinzhou for example the paper minutely introduces designs of upper cloth plate lower cap beam and pier .

    以金州互通式立交毛莹子1号大桥设计为例,详细介绍毛莹子1号大桥的 上部 布板和下部盖梁、桥墩的设计。

  • When biting with the incisor and fixed with upper plate the stress of the medial screw position of the distal and medial segment of mandible is high .

    在前牙咬合时, 固定情况下,远心骨段和近心骨段的近中螺钉固位处应力值较大;

  • The upper plate velocity of reactive-armor is calculated basing on theories about explosion driving metal plate in this paper .

    根据炸药爆轰驱动金属板的理论,计算了反应装甲 运动的最大速度。

  • All the district contain northeast striking faults that corss cut tectonic windows and structural highs through the upper plate of the Roberts Mountains allochthon .

    上述二个矿区都有NE向的断层,穿越罗伯茨山异地岩 上盘中的构造窗和构造高地。

  • Close sunroof to center glass panel in roof opening . Upper plate and lower plate design with subsection and with in-out hole for different choice .

    关闭遮阳蓬顶至车顶开口处的中心玻璃板。 顶板及底板采用分段式设计,并设有进、出细孔,方便客户选择。

  • Application of air assist injection molding in upper cover plate of LCD base frame

    气体辅助注射成型在显示器底座 盖板上的应用

  • Prediction for welding deformation reducing by welding sequence optimization of upper plate


  • The utility model improves the tensile strength of the pivot mechanism so that the relative rotation of the upper connecting plate and the lower connecting plate is more flexible .

    本实用新型提高了枢轴机构的抗拉强度,令 、下连 之间的相对转动更加灵活。

  • The influence of the thickness of the upper plate on the dynamic behavior of the tower structure of the ship elevator of Longtan Project is analyzed .

    分析了 顶板厚度等设计参数对于龙滩升船机塔柱结构动力特性的影响,探讨了用单个塔柱的动力特性分析代替整体 塔柱动力特性分析的方法的局限性。

  • The paper introduces the forming technology of the front upper plate of refrigerator and expounds some applied skill on the die design .

    通过对冰箱 顶盖 结构和工艺性分析,介绍了该模具的结构设计、工作过程及关键部分的设计及液压中子在该模具中的应用。

  • The liquid drops on the tray is brought into the upper plate and the plate enrichment is decreased .

    上升气流穿过塔板上液 时,将板上液体带入 上层的现象称雾沫夹带。

  • The body is provided with a fixed lower molding plate matched with the upper molding plate .

    所述机身上装有和 定型 配合定型的固定式下定型板。

  • The only thing he ever take out on a moonlit night is his upper plate .

    在月夜他带出去〔拿出来〕的唯一东西,是 上排的一副 假牙

  • Study on the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the Upper Plate of Karst Cave

    溶洞 顶板极限承载力研究

  • Defect analysis and numerical simulation for the upper cover plate drawing


  • Upper plate and lower plate design with subsection and with in-out hole for different choice . Drawer bodies will have bottom and sides formed into one piece center section . Front and back panels are spot-welded to center section .


  • The mechanical analysis was made for early crackings occurred in upper plate of reinforced concrete continuous box beam and its repair measures were introduced .

    结合工程实例,对钢筋混凝土梁桥连续箱梁在施工中梁体 顶板出现的早期裂缝进行了力学分析,并介绍了相应的修补措施。