



v.打翻,弄翻( upset的现在分词 )打乱推翻使苦恼

  • It 's been a very upsetting time but we 've come through it together .

    那是一段很 难熬的日子,但我们一起挺过来了。

  • So these kids find it very stressful and upsetting .

    所以,这些孩子觉得这非常有压力和 令人 心烦意乱

  • Based on summing up different kinds of technological process of precision forging of spur gear a new upsetting extrusion process and pattern die are designed .

    在总结各种直齿圆柱齿轮精锻工艺的基础上,设计了一种直齿圆柱齿轮 挤精锻工艺和模具,并进行了实验和 上限模拟。

  • The European members are afraid of upsetting the delicate balance of political interests

    欧洲成员国害怕 打乱各政治利益集团间的微妙平衡。

  • Is something upsetting you — I mean apart from this business ?

    有什么 心事吗?我的意思是,除了这件事以外还有吗?

  • This is really upsetting .

    这事 真叫

  • You 're upsetting my family particularly my wife .

    你在 伤害我的家人,特别是我太太。

  • It 's not very wise upsetting the king 's brother you know .

    你知道的, 惹怒国王的弟弟可并不明智。

  • You run the risk of upsetting her if you tell her the truth .

    如果你告诉她真相,你可能会 使

  • ' There you go again upsetting the child ! ' said Shirley

    “瞧,又来了不是?又 孩子 伤心!”雪莉说。

  • I found the whole experience very upsetting .

    整个经历 我觉得很 痛苦

  • And I was afraid of upsetting mom .

    我怕会 妈妈 着急

  • Wet velvet can hardly offset the outset of upsetting a regretful interpreter .

    湿天鹅绒几乎不能 抵销对一个后悔口译者的打扰的开始。

  • Growing old is not upsetting being perceived as old is .

    老了并不 烦人烦人的是别人眼中 老了。

  • He had blundered into the table upsetting the flowers .

    小心撞到了桌子,把花 打翻了。

  • All-clear now ! it was the cat upsetting the vase . Let 's go back to sleep .

    没事啦!是猫把花瓶 打翻了,让我们回去睡觉吧!

  • It is very upsetting being on the outs with others .

    和其他人不和是很 烦恼

  • So it 's just upsetting everybody you know ?

    每个人都 失望了,你知道么?

  • Die structure was discussed through the analysis of forming process of high intension screw bolt and a set of hot upsetting tool was designed .

    通过分析高强螺栓的成形工艺,对模具结构进行深入探讨,设计了一套热 模。

  • It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser .

    发现自己的投注对象输了是一 心烦的事。

  • I 'm a bit unsettled tonight . This war thing 's upsetting me


  • Ruth was upsetting the other children so I showed her the door .

    鲁斯一直在 扰乱别的孩子,我就把她撵了出去。

  • We realize that this is upsetting for you but it 's for the best .

    我们知道这 你很 苦恼,但这 也许不是 坏事。

  • But this conversation 's upsetting me .

    但是这样的谈话让我 难过

  • You 'll feel a lot better about yourself if you work on solutions to your upsetting situations

    如果你设法找到解决自己 麻烦的办法,你自我感觉会好得多。

  • By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving especially in a new or upsetting situation .

    我们所说的智力指的是一种生活行为的方式,特别是处于新环境或 逆境中的时候。

  • The upsetting forming process and law of metal flowing was analyzed for large forming flange axle with two adjacent stepped axle .

    分析了法兰及相邻台阶轴 过程及金属流动规律,并给出了解决毛坯 稳定性 正确成形台阶轴的措施。

  • There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements .

    把协议 推翻在逻辑上站不

  • The Blanking Die of the Nuts for IC Engine and the Die Design for Upsetting Extrusion Hole

    内燃机螺帽径向夹持下料模和 挤孔模具设计

  • The different upsetting heights were designed the influence of upsetting on half-closed extrusion was simulated .

    设计一组不同 高度,模拟优化并验证了镦粗对半封闭式挤压的影响。