uphold the decision

[ʌpˈhold ði dɪˈsɪʒən][ʌpˈhəuld ðə diˈsiʒən]

[法] 维持原则,赞成这项决定

  • Oppose protracted campaigns and a strategy of quick decision and uphold the strategy of protracted war and campaigns of quick decision .

    反对战役的持久战和战略的速决战, 承认战略的持久战和战役的 速决战

  • We decided long ago to uphold the socialist system and the Four Cardinal Principles and that decision has been written into the Constitution .

    我们 坚持社会主义制度, 坚持四项基本原则,是老早就 确定了的,写在宪法上的。