upper bench

[ˈʌpɚ bɛntʃ][ˈʌpə bentʃ]


  • The vault settlement is leaded almost by excavation of the upper bench and lower center bench in the situation of shallow burial of ⅱ - class rocks ;

    在Ⅱ类围岩浅埋条件下,拱顶下沉主要是由 台阶的开挖及下台阶中央区的开挖所引起;

  • The key procedure is excavation of the upper center bench for ⅳ - class rocks ;

    对Ⅳ类围岩, 上台 开挖为施工的关键工序;

  • Values of ground surface settlement during upper bench cutting occupy total settlement values among 60 % ~ 70 % in the construction of bench cut method ;

    台阶法施工中, 上台 开挖引起的地表沉降量占由开挖引起的总地表沉降量的60%~70%之间;

  • The vault settlement is leaded almost by excavation of the upper bench in adjacent rock above ⅲ - class ;

    在Ⅲ类以上围岩条件下,拱顶下沉绝大部分是由 台阶的开挖所引起;

  • Computing results show that the maximum range of influence on the settlement and horizontal displacement is within 3 meters before and after the designated section and magnitudes account for two-third of gross amount ; and the influence of upper bench excavation is obviously greater than that of lower bench ;

    计算结果表明:对沉降和水平位移影响最大的是在指定段前后各3m的范围内,约占其总量的2/3,而 台阶开挖的影响又明显大于下台阶开挖;

  • The results show that the key procedure is excavation of the upper and lower center bench for ⅱ - class and ⅲ - class rocks ;

    结果表明:对于Ⅱ、Ⅲ类围岩, 上台 及下 台阶 中央区的开挖为施工的关键工序;

  • The establishment of this pattern will play a directly important role in high yield culture of wheat 8539 and new upper bench about wheat of Sichuan .

    模型的建立,对小麦8539的高产栽培和四川小麦 台阶具有重要的指导作用。

  • The excavation of upper chamber was conducted by the methods of bench excavating in layers and common explosion .

    室开挖采用分层 开挖和普通爆破方法。

  • Simulation of Limit Displacements for Tunnel Upper Bench

    隧道 台阶极限位移计算模拟

  • In addition the plastic zone in surrounding rock ranges 1.5 m in the front of an excavating face and rock bolts are mainly influenced by the excavation of the upper bench in the current construction step .

    围岩塑性区位于开挖面前1.5m范围内,锚杆主要受本施工段 台阶开挖的影响。