



  • Some are nervously wondering if this upbeat mood could prove equally illusory or herald another bout of volatility .

    一些人正紧张地猜测,这种 乐观情绪可能被证明同样是一种幻觉,或预示着又一轮的波动。

  • My depression at least the upbeat than me ;

    我抑郁,至少该比我 观点

  • S.generals on the ground are upbeat about the training and recruitment of Iraqi troops .

    他说,在伊拉克的美国将军对训练和招募伊拉克军队的进展感到 乐观

  • Scientists remain upbeat about the information that will be gathered .

    科学家对即将收集到的信息仍 满怀 希望

  • The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far

    国防部长对目前的战事给予了 乐观的评价。

  • Chinese manufacturers were upbeat about business in a survey which should help ease fears of a hard landing .

    一项调查显示,中国制造商对业务 前景 乐观 态度。这一结果应能有助于缓解人们对于中国 经济硬着陆的担忧。

  • Even some of those most affected by the protests remain upbeat .

    即使是受抗议影响最严重的一些企业也保持着 乐观

  • Do I feel upbeat and energized when I 'm around this person or depleted and drained ?

    当我在这个人旁边我感到 愉快、有精神还是枯竭和耗尽?

  • Do I come in on the upbeat or the downbeat ?

    我是唱 弱拍还是唱强拍?

  • Other industrial companies are upbeat in public about Asia but some are still worried .

    其它工业企业在公开场合对亚洲的 前景 表示 乐观,但有些企业仍然担心。

  • He is even more upbeat that green investment is a good long-term theme for the region .

    他甚至更为 乐观地认为,绿色投资对整个地区而言是一个“很好的长期主题”。

  • We 're looking for an upbeat name to call this product .

    我们在为这个产品寻找一个 过目不忘 不俗的名字。

  • You have to be positive and upbeat .

    你必须要 积极向上

  • Despite the recent volatility in global stock markets the Asian Development Bank remains upbeat for growth for Asia .

    尽管最近全球股票市场极不稳定,亚洲开发银行对亚洲的经济增长仍然 乐观 看法

  • But beyond the upbeat official statistics the government is wary about anything that could spark social unrest .

    但在 乐观的官方统计数据以外,政府对可能引发社会不稳定的任何事都小心翼翼。

  • Upbeat comments from central bank officials in Australia and China about their countries ' economies underpinned the positive view of the region .

    澳大利亚和中国的央行官员针对本国经济的 乐观评论,支持了人们对亚太地区的积极看法。

  • Respondents from region 's two biggest emerging economies India and China were particularly upbeat about their prospects .

    该地区最大两个新兴经济体&印度和中国的受访者对于未来前景尤其 乐观

  • The IMF has been similarly upbeat on Asia 's economic prospects in its latest commentary .

    国际货币基金组织对亚洲经济的前景,在其最新的评论中一直是同样的 感到 乐观

  • The Chancellor 's upbeat message that the Government had licked inflation for good was marred by more job losses .

    总理 乐观 地声 政府已经一劳永逸地解决了通货膨胀问题,但更多人的失业却令这一消息大为减色。

  • I think Femme Fatale is my most upbeat and mature album yet .

    我认为党徽是我最 乐观的和成熟的专辑呢。

  • Policymakers also weighed in with a generally upbeat assessment of the economy .

    政策制定者们也提供了一个对经济总体 乐观的估计。

  • But if the statements were mostly upbeat they also contained several recurring themes not all positive .

    但如果说这些声明总体上是 乐观的,其中也包含数个一再重复的主题,而它们并非都是积极的。

  • You may see upbeat developments at work money health travel and love .

    你能看见工作,金钱,健康,旅游,还有爱情上 乐得其见的进展。

  • For the upbeat mood to continue in September there will need to be more positive economic data .

    投资者 乐观情绪在9月继续下去,需要更多正面经济数据。

  • These two messages upbeat consumers and extraordinarily loose monetary policy cannot co-exist forever .

    这两种信息 乐观的消费者和极度宽松的货币政策不可能永远共存下去。

  • The market has also reacted to upbeat economic indicators from China .

    市场对中国 乐观的经济指标也有所反应。

  • Neil 's colleagues say he was actually in a joking upbeat mood

    内尔的同事们说他实际上在说笑 逗乐,心情 不错