up in

[ʌp ɪn][ʌp in]


  • I have about 20 year 's magazines tied up in bundles .

    我把大约20年的杂志扎 捆。

  • I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism

    我染 了急性风湿,卧病 床。

  • A few scarecrows were set up in the field .

    田里 竖起了几个稻草人。

  • She was sitting in a hospital bed her plastered leg up in the air .

    她坐在病床上,一条 了石膏的腿悬 空中。

  • I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days .

    我想问题几天 就会解决。

  • You are all fortunate to be growing up in a time of peace and plenty .

    你们都很幸运, 成长 和平富足的时代。

  • She sat up in alarm

    她惊慌得坐 起来

  • Their dreams went up in smoke after the collapse of their travel agency .

    他们的旅行社倒闭之后,他们的梦想也 随之破灭了。

  • More and more old people have capital tied up in a house .

    越来越多老年人的资金全让房子 套牢了。

  • I live here now but I 've spent all my time up in Swaziland .

    我现在住在这里,但我几乎所有的时间都呆 斯威士兰。

  • The plans were drawn up in consultation with the World Health Organisation

    这些方案是 与世界卫生组织磋商之后 起草的。

  • Numerous factories have sprung up in this once desolate erea .

    过去这 一带满目苍凉,现在却有 无数的工厂。

  • When they started to go up in the world they moved to a flat in London .

    他们开始 发家的时候,搬进了伦敦的一所公寓。

  • Wake me up in time .

    到时 叫醒我。

  • A new town has grown up in this industrial district .

    这个工业区 兴起了一座新城市。

  • Relax smile ; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour


  • It can be summed up in two words .

    这可以 三言两语概括 起来

  • A new middle school has been set up in the village .

    新办 一所中学。

  • Arthur grew up in a tough city .

    阿瑟 一个到处是暴力与犯罪的城市 长大

  • The dates have all dried up in the sun .

    枣儿都 干巴

  • Like most of my contemporaries I grew up in a vastly different world .

    和大多数同辈人一样,我生长 一个截然不同的世界。

  • I just love the fun of dressing up in another era 's clothing

    我就是喜欢 穿另一个时代的衣服玩。

  • I looked your address up in the personnel file

    人事档案 找到了你的地址

  • Did the two of you split up in the woods ?

    你们俩是 树林里 分开的吗?

  • The first I knew about it was when I woke up in the ambulance .

    当我从救护车 苏醒 过来时才知道发生了什么事。

  • She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby .

    她扶她 床上坐 起来,这样她就可以抱着宝宝了。

  • I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window

    我半夜 醒来,听见有敲窗户的声音。