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abbr.venereal disease 性病

  • Audio transformer : Large transmission power wide frequency range stable performance . Used for telephone fax machine VCD DVD and audio etc.

    详细信息:高传输功率,工作频率宽,性能问题。适用于电话机、 真机、CD、 VD音响设备中。

  • Objective : To investigate the effects of Naoshangtai ( NST ) in treating learning and memory function and calbindin ( CAB ) of hippocampus in rats with vascular dementia ( VD ) .

    目的:观察中药脑伤泰对血管性 痴呆大鼠主动回避反应及海马钙结合蛋白的影响。

  • Objective Clinical efficacy of adjusting Yin-Yang punctually for inordinated Sleep time in the vascular dementia ( VD ) .

    目的观察顺时调节阴阳法治疗血管性 痴呆睡眠时相紊乱的疗效。

  • Simulation Analysis of Negative Phase Sequence Current of YN vd Balance Transformer

    YN, vd平衡变压器负序仿真分析

  • I need to tell you that when we were dating I had vd .

    我得告诉你我们还在一起时我就得了 性病

  • Objective : To investigate the characteristic of plasma lipid in Alzheimer disease ( AD ) and vascular dementia ( VD ) and mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) .

    目的:研究阿尔茨海默病(AD)、血管性痴呆( VD)及轻微认知功能损害(MCI)患者血脂水平的特点。

  • Relationship of 25 ( OH ) VD with Bone Mass and Other Indicators in Male Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

    男性糖尿病患者25(OH) VD与骨密度等指标关系的研究

  • Effects of Added VD_3 in the Diet on Growth Performance and Immune Function in Sichuan Black-bone Chickens

    饲粮中添加 VD 3对四川山地乌骨鸡生长性能和免疫功能的影响

  • Methods : According to the main pathogenesis of blood stasis in brain vessels and insufficiency of blood supply of the VD rats .

    方法:拟定了以活血化瘀、血补虚、脑开窍的通 益智 血管 痴呆大鼠进行实验研究。

  • Practice for LF ( VD ) Refining of Medium Carbon Sulfur Free-Cutting Steel

    中碳硫系易切削钢LF( VD)精炼实践

  • Study of the activity of hippocampus mitochondrial COX and the change of genetic expression in VD rats

    血管 痴呆大鼠海马线粒体COX活性及基因表达变化的研究

  • Vascular dementia ( VD ) is a cerebrovascular disease that occurred on the main performance on the basis of the acquired mental retardation syndrome .

    血管性痴呆( VD)是指发生在脑血管病基础上主要表现的获得性智能障碍综合征。

  • Conclusion The lower levels of cAMP and AC in hippocampus might participate in the molecular pathogenesis of VD ;

    结论海马组织cAMP和AC水平降低可能参与了 血管 痴呆的分子生物学发病机制;

  • Conclusion : Difference degrees in AD and VD have significant differences in clinical symptoms .

    结论:不同严重程度的AD和 VD 患者临床症状有差异。

  • The cognitive disorder in VD patients is related to the atrophy of frontal lobe and temporal lobe .


  • In VD group the blood flow in cortex and prefrontal lobe was decreased .

    3D-SSP分析重建后,显示 VD CBF呈现全脑皮层的血流减少和额前叶区 局限 血流减少。

  • Adding Nitrogen Process for V-N Non-Quenched and Tempered Steel during 45 t LF ( VD ) Refining

    45tLF( VD)精炼钒氮非调质钢的增氮工艺

  • In a similar manner diffraction limits the amount of information that can be optically stored on or retrieved from a digital video disk ( DVD ) .

    同样的道理,绕射也限制了以光学方法储存或读取数位影音光碟( VD)的资料量。

  • Objective : To debate the NMDA mechanisms of learning and memory disorder of Zhenzhong pill on VD rats .

    目的:探讨孔圣枕中丹对 痴呆动物模型学习记忆障碍NMDA的作用机制。

  • Objective : To investigate the curative effect of physostigmine on vascular dementia patients .

    目的:探讨毒扁豆碱对血管性痴呆( VD)的治疗效果。

  • The incidence of AD was higher than other dementia which was positive correlated with ages .

    AD的发病率高于 VD等其他 类型 痴呆,并与年龄成正相关。

  • Factors affecting the nitrogen content in liquid steel have been analyzed in LF / VD process .

    结合现场试验分析了 LF/VD过程影响钢液氮含量的因素。

  • Objective : To find a good way to diagnose VD value the effect of Yishen Yangnao capsule on VD and try to find some rules of changes in Chinese medicine syndromes .

    目的:寻找诊断 血管 痴呆的有效方法,观察颐神养脑胶囊治疗血管性痴呆的疗效以及中医证候的演变规律。

  • The changes of systolic peak velocity ( VS ) diastolic peak velocity ( VD ) mean glow velocity ( VM ) pulsatility index ( PI ) and resistent index ( RI ) of renal blood flow were observed .

    并观测肾血流收缩期峰值流速(VS),舒张末期峰值流速( VD),平均流速(VM),搏动指数(PI)及阻力指数(RI)的变化。

  • Experimental Research on the Proposed Standard for Subgrade Compaction Quality with E_ ( vd ) Evaluation

    路基压实质量E( vd)评价建议标准试验研究

  • Objective To study the therapeutic effect of Sermion on vascular dementia ( VD ) .

    目的评价脑通治疗血管性痴呆( VD)的疗效。

  • Objective : To probe into the effect of Huancongdan capsule ( HCDC ) on the vascular dementia ( VD ) related factors including lipoprotein apolipoprotein ( apo ) and serum immunoglobulin .

    目的:探讨还聪丹对血管性痴呆( VD)发病相关因素脂蛋白、载脂蛋白及血清免疫球蛋白等的影响。

  • Concliusion : The results showed that the Tong Mai Yi Zhi Dan has great effects on the rats with Vascular Dementia ( VD ) .

    结论:提示通脉益智丹对血管性 痴呆大鼠有良好的治疗作用。

  • Objective : To assess the efficacy of dihydroergotoxine ( DHET ) in treatment of vascular dementia ( VD ) .

    目的:观察氢化麦角碱(DHET)治疗脑血管性痴呆( VD)的临床疗效。

  • Conclusion Depression and hemiplegia after cerebral infarction were prophetic function for VD .

    结论脑梗塞后抑郁和偏瘫对 VD有一定的预测作用。