vector function

[ˈvɛktɚ ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈvektə ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • Using the definition and character of vector function the field is separated to TM wave and TE wave relative to r without complex vector-differential operation .

    利用球 矢量函数的定义及性质,提取出场的径向分量,将初级场分解为相对于径向的TE波和TM波,避免了复杂的 矢量微分运算。

  • Newton-Leibniz Formula of Fuzzy-valued Vector Function

    模糊值 向量 函数的牛顿&莱布尼兹公式

  • It is hard to draw in two dimensions a picture of a vector function in three-dimensional space .

    在两维图上画三维空间的 函数图形是件难事。

  • Interpolation Deformation Based on Displacement Vector Function for Planar Parametric Curve

    基于伸缩 矢量 函数的平面参数曲线的插值变形

  • The Limit of the Fuzzy - valued Vector Function

    Fuzzy值 向量 函数的极限

  • The divergence of a vector function is the scalar function .

    矢量 函数的散度是一个标量函数。

  • Using circle vector function and medium rack as tools the equation of contact trace is deduced and its characteristic is discussed .

    以圆 矢量 函数和媒介齿条为工具,推导了接触迹方程,讨论了接触迹的特性。

  • Circular vector function method of kinematic analysis for planar multi-bar linkages

    多杆Ⅱ级机构运动分析的圆 矢量 函数

  • Mechanism vector analysis using circle vector function

    用圆 矢量 函数对机构矢量进行分析

  • By constructing the essential vector function spaces we prove rigorously the existence of the periodic solutions in this models is proved concretely .

    在构造必要的 向量 函数空间的基础上,具体证明了网络模型中周期解的存在性。

  • Linear Admissibility of Vector Function in Growth Curve Model

    增长曲线模型中 向量 函数的线性可容许性

  • Admissibility of Linear Estimates of Mean Vector Function in Multivariate Statistics

    多元统计中期望 向量 函数线性估计的可容许性

  • Method of vector function for practical stability analysis of composite systems

    复合系统实用稳定性分析的 向量 函数方法

  • On ideological and political education vector function of Quyi

    论曲艺艺术的思想政治教育 载体 功能

  • The Differential Middle Inequality in the Vector Function

    向量 函数中成立的微分中值不等式

  • This paper describes the basic principle relative equations and its derivation procedures for the kinematic analysis of space linkages using circle vector function .

    阐述用圆 矢量 函数法对某些空间连杆机构进行运动分析的原理、有关公式和求解步骤,并给出了几个计算实例。

  • Continuous Wavelet Transform on the Vector Function Space

    向量 函数空间上的连续小波变换

  • This paper expands the general convex vector function discusses the existence of such functions as connected with the expanded convex function . And it proves the sufficiency of K-T condition of Λ - efficient solution in multiobjective programming .

    拓展了通常意义下的凸 向量 函数,并讨论了拓展这类函数所关联函数的存在性,论证了对这种拓展的函数类而言,多目标规划∧-有效解的k-t条件也是充分的。

  • With the round vector function and rotary movement group a model of the error curved surface of the theoretical ellipsoid is set up to describe the actually measured surface .

    以圆 矢量 函数和回转运动群为工具讨论了曲面的误差变换,利用理论椭球面的误差曲面建立了实测曲面的数学模型,通过求解理论曲面的法线实现了实测曲面的等距计算和阴阳面数据转换。

  • The method maps the original data to a dataset of vector space at the beginning then to a higher dimensional vector space which uses a vector function of an iterative approach .

    它将事务数据集映射成向量空间中的一个数据集,然后利用 向量 函数迭代法将此数据集映射到更高维的向量空间中。

  • In this paper we discuss the problem on the connectedness of the weakly efficient solutions set defined by a cone-continuous and cone-quasiconcave vector function .

    本文讨论了锥连续锥拟凹 向量 函数的弱有效解集的连通性问题;

  • Sing the necessary and sufficient condition of the boundary value problem of holomorphic vector function several problems in two dimension anisotropic elasticity are solved .

    利用全纯 向量 函数边值问题有解的充分必要条件,本文给出了二维各向异性弹性力学Stroh理论中的几个边值问题的解答。

  • Vector function is presented and its properties are discussed through the Mizar language system .

    利用Mizar语言系统实现了 向量 函数的表示,讨论其若干性质。

  • The Dirichlet boundary value problem of the regular vector function in C n

    C~n空间中的正则 向量 函数的Dirichlet边值问题

  • In this theorem an arbitrary vector function is separated into three parts each one can be expressed as a scalar function . It is the complete projection for a vector function in vector wave function space .

    在这一定理中每一个任意的 电磁 矢量 函数都可以在矢量波函数空间中被唯一地分离成三个独立的分量,每一个分量都可以用一个标量函数来表示。

  • Numerical simulation of fluid flow usually needs us to solve two unknown functions at the same time one is a scalar function and the other is a vector function . Mixed finite element methods are often used to deal with such problems .

    数值模拟流体流动时,常常需要同时求解两个未知函数,并且往往是一个标量函数、一个 向量 函数,这类问题通常采用混合有限元方法处理。

  • Firstly the ideology that the vector field disassemble in the space of vector function is also available to the problem of electromagnetic wave propagate .

    首先,这种矢量场在 矢量 函数空间中的分解的思想在空间电磁波的传播问题中同样适用。

  • In the first method r1 (θ 1 )( or r2 (θ 1 )) has been created by radius vector function q (θ 1 ) of initial pitch curves . This method can be used for designing identical pitch curves of non-circular gears ;

    第一种方法是通过初始节曲线的向 函数q(θ1)来构造出r1(θ1)或r2(θ1),运用此方法可设计一对相同非圆齿轮的节曲线;

  • Methods on holomorphic vector function of stroh 's theory in two dimensional anisotropic elasticity

    二维各向异性弹性力学Stroh理论的全纯 向量 函数解法

  • Observe connection of tangent bundle through the Differentiable of vector function

    向量 函数微分去看切丛上的联络