If something along those lines happened to you you 've been conditioned to attach the definition trustworthy to people who are in fact untrustworthy .
如果类似事情发生在你的身上,那么你就被”调制“,将”值得信任“这个词的定义绑定在了实际上 并不 值得 信任的人的 身上。
Should Russia have an organic place in a more representative world system or should it continue to be regarded as incurably untrustworthy ?
俄罗斯是应该成为更具代表性的世界体系的有机组成部分,还是应该继续被视为无药可救的 不 可 信赖 者?
I think he is shallow vain and untrustworthy
我认为他肤浅、自负、 不 可靠 。
They are as untrustworthy as rats stealing and cheating with no remorse .
他们像老鼠一样 不 可 信任,偷窃并欺骗从不自责。
Breaking eye contact too soon can make you seem untrustworthy or overly nervous .
眼神接触时间太短会使你看起来 不 可信或过度紧张。
Even if the supposedly untrustworthy borrower does discharge his obligation he will not pay more than he is obliged .
即使这个假定 不 可 信赖的借款人会 消偿他的债务,他所付的也不会多于他所欠的。
Do not open any files attached to ane-mail from an unknown suspicious or untrustworthy source .
对 那些你 不熟悉的、 可疑的、或者是不确认的电子邮件附件,不要打开。
His opponents still say he 's a fundamentally untrustworthy figure .
他的对手依然说他根本 不 可信。
People who avoid eye contact during a conversation are often perceived as insincere deceptive and untrustworthy .
羞涩的眼神。在交谈中躲避目光接触的人常被视为不真诚、虚伪、 不 值得 信赖。
By the time I went to live with the Beaches I believed that life was entirely unfair and that love was tenuous and untrustworthy .
我开始与 比奇这一 家人住的时候,我相信生活根本就是不公平的,爱是 虚无飘渺、 靠 不 住的。
Second they are untrustworthy snakes always keen to assure buyers there is a lot of interest in some pokey basement while at the same time telling sellers that a mingy offer is the best they will get .
第二,他们都是 不 值得 信任的小人。他们总是信誓旦旦地向买家保证,某个狭小的地下室有很多人感兴趣,然而同时他们又告诉卖家,房子顶多能卖少得可怜的价钱。
Nobody is quite sure where this adjective used to describe something that is untrustworthy or of poor quality originated but one possible candidate is the ghettos of New Jersey .
这个形容词的意思是 不 值得 信任的或质量很差的。没人能说出它的确切来源,不过很可能起源于新泽西的贫民窟。
He has proved himself completely untrustworthy .
他已经证明自己是一个完全 不 可 信任 的 人。
As a king he was dishonourable and untrustworthy .
他作为一个国王,则是丢脸的和 不 可 信赖的。
Second more than half of Americans say Mrs Clinton is untrustworthy .
其次,超过一半的美国人表示希拉里 不 值得 信任。
Solutions should allow programs untrustworthy to run instead and prevent their dangerous behavior .
可行的解决方法应允许 不 可靠程序运行,并同时防止 不 可靠程序的危险行为。
It found that the public rated the majority of the14 government sectors surveyed including the education medical services military and science sectors as relatively untrustworthy .
该报告发现,公众认为调查中涉及的14个政府部门(包括教育、医疗服务、军事和科学部门)相对 不能 信任。
Just as you protect yourself against the large untrusted Internet you should also protect your production systems from the large and untrustworthy Intranet .
正如保护自己免受来自大量的不受信任的Internet的攻击一样,您也应该保护您的生产系统免受大规模的 不 受 信任的Intranet的攻击。
Causal inference in folk science is equally untrustworthy .
民俗科学的因果推论也同样 不 可靠。
The witness'protean tactics under cross-examination gave the impression that he was untrustworthy .
在严密的询问下,证人反复无常的策略给人的印象是他不 可靠。
That man is absolutely untrustworthy .
那个人绝对 不 可靠。
I 've never known her to be untrustworthy .
我从没认为她 不 可靠。
For example if you consider a site to be untrustworthy you can place it in the Restricted zone ;
例如,你认为某个网站 靠 不 住,你可以把它放到受限制域;
The likelihood of executing an untrustworthy program is dramatically increased owing to the prevalence of Internet .
由于互联网的普及, 人们执行不 可靠程序的可能性显著地增加。
You can 't go by what he says he 's very untrustworthy .
你不能根据他的话判断,他是很 不 可靠的。
He has proved himself untrustworthy .
他已表明自己是 靠 不 住的。
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy to assume that your information workers are untrustworthy .
它是个自以为是的预言,认为你的信息工作者是 不 值得 信任的。