As the Queen of Heaven she lived on earth untainted by desire and immaculate .
作为女王的天堂,她住在地球上, 自持的愿望,和完美无暇的。
The island remains untainted by tourism .
这个 岛尚未 受到旅游业的 破坏。
The disastrous results of all this for economic development have been highlighted by numerous Western investors as well as by honest Russian businessmen who require a reasonably untainted and predictable legal order in which to operate .
无数西方投资者和一些正直的俄罗斯商人都提到这些问题给经济发展造成的灾难性后果,他们需要一个比较 廉洁且可预测的法律秩序。
It is possible still to breathe an air untainted and to hear the whispered passage of time .
你可能仍然可以吸一 口 未 经 污染的空气,并聆听时光流逝 所 发出 的 嘶嘶 絮语。
My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside .
我的良知 纯洁 没有 污点,不管外界的 流言飞语和造谣中伤。
Finally without having been in the workplace the young entrepreneur has a fresh perspective untainted from the way-it-is-supposed-to-be mindset that is so prevalent in most boardrooms .
最后,那些没有参加过工作的年轻企业家有着一些新鲜、有独特视角的观念,而不是那些会议室中普遍 盛行的应有心态。
She is a reminder of the natural curiosity that we once held in our naive untainted childhood summoning us to reexamine our seemingly prohibitory surrounding walls and grasp beyond it .
她其实就是我们天真的 孩提时代与生俱来的好奇心,呼唤著我们去重新审视并且超越周遭隐隐存在的那一道道高墙。
The tang of the untainted fresh and free sea air was like a cool quieting thought and the shells and pebbles and the seaweed with tiny living creatures attached to it never lost their fascination for me .
洁净、清新而奔放的大海 气息 宛若一种冷静从容的思想。对我而言,贝壳、卵石、海草连同依附其间的微小生物从未失去它们的魅力。
Conservapedia aims to offer a version of the truth untainted by Wikipedia 's liberal secular bias on issues such as evolution .
Conservapedia打算提供另外的一种真相的版本,这种版本没有像维基那些被自由世俗 所 污染的偏见,例如在进化论这样的问题上。
The Root Self is pure clean and untainted by worldly matters .
经由世间事态, 本心依然纯洁、乾净和 无 染。
Only Barack Obama the US president can provide the desired Leadership : he is untainted popular and leader of the country that for good and ill remains central .
只有美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)能够带来人们所期望的领导力:他没有 污点、颇得人心,而他领导下的国家 不管 怎么说仍占据着主导地位。
By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them you reinforce it .
通过关注他们 内在的完整和 纯洁,你强化了它们。
As if that 's not enough Mo has thrown in Sun Honglei China 's leading man who has also an untainted record from both his TV and film work .
而如果这还不能满足您的胃口,在电影和电视领域都有着突出贡献的一线演员 孙红雷想必不会让人 失望。
The untainted white of his pupil alerts his intense gaze with Kang 's witty cropping of the canvas in quirky solitude composition ;
作者巧妙地剪裁 图像, 使 空间结构里 呈现荒凉的怪异;瞳孔里 未染的白,令人更 意识到画中人的尖锐注视;
The contest has since earned the tag of The Dirtiest Race in History with only two of the eight runners untainted by questions of drug use .
1988 年 的 百 米赛之后一直被 定义为历史上最肮脏的比赛,八名运动员中只有两名 未 服用 违禁药品。
They are untainted by the conflicts of interest that bedevil banks offering research on clients and that led to a 2003 settlement enforcing stricter separation of investment banking and research in America .
他们受到 长期困扰银行给客户提供调查报告的利益冲突的 影响,这导致了在2003年美国出台了针对投资银行和研究机构更严格的分离。
The level of concern is so great that even the Chinese companies untainted by accusations of wrongdoing have seen their shares underperform the wider stock markets .
市场对此深感担忧,甚至连 没有被 指存在问题的中国企业,股价走势 都逊于大盘。