vector register

[ˈvɛktɚ ˈrɛdʒɪstɚ][ˈvektə ˈredʒistə]

[计] 向量寄存器

  • On vector processors a register is treated both as a single unit and as multiple units .

    向量处理器上, 寄存器可以作为一个单元进行处理,也可以作为多个单元进行处理。

  • In this paper based on the memory unit of the SIMD architecture we propose a compilation scheme to exploit the partial reuse of the vector register data and improve memory access efficiency in SIMD optimization .

    因此,本文基于SIMD架构的访存特性,提出了一种 向量 寄存器部分重用的方法,以提高访存效率;优化体育教学方法,首先,须确立适度可行的教学目标;

  • It will use some vector operations but we will only be concerned with one value within each register & the others we will simply ignore .

    虽然代码也使用了一些 向量运算,但我们只关注一个 寄存器内的一个值,而其他值则被简单忽略。

  • It also provides for byte halfword word and quadword operand fetches and stores between storage and a set of32 Vector Registers ( VRs ) .

    它还规定在存储 设备与一组32位矢量寄存器( Vector Register,VR)之间存取和储存的字节、 、字和 操作数。

  • Based on our study of traditional in-order decoupled and out-of-order architectures we proposed the VIM vector processor architecture which adopts an improved decoupled architecture and distributed register file .

    在对已提出的顺序、分离及乱序执行等体系分析比较的基础上,提出了VIM 向量协处理器的体系结构并实现了基于VIM体系结构的 向量微处理器 KD-VIM-1

  • The state space may be thought of as a big vector space with each basis element spanning the possible states of one system element ( say a memory register or the cam angle ) .

    状态空间可能被认为是一个大 向量空间,其每个基本元素跨越一个系统元素的可能状态(比方说内存 寄存器或偏心角)。

  • An initial approach to a vector register with three-level addressing and changeable architecture

    一种三级寻址可变结构 向量 寄存器的初步探讨

  • A vector register circuit of shift register mode

    移位寄存型 向量 寄存器电路

  • Overcome the bottleneck of the centralized vector register files and resolve the accessing conflict in a relatively flexible way ;

    缓解集中式 向量 寄存器文件可能造成的瓶颈,用比较灵活的方式来分解访问冲突;

  • This thesis also focused on implementation technology of vector microprocessor based on VIM architecture including KD-VIM-1 ISA defination multiported register file and vector execution pipeline etc.

    在以上关键技术研究的基础上,本文还研究了VIM体系结构下 向量协处理器的实现技术,包括标量指令集的扩展方式,多端口 寄存器文件的实现,向量执行单元的流水线设计等。

  • A Low Power Banked Multi-Ported Vector Register File Design for V-PIM

    V-PIM中低功耗分体多端口 向量 寄存器文件设计