


  • Critics of untrammelled free markets have long attacked the assumption that markets are rational driven by rational self-interested economic actors .

    长期以来, 约束的自由市场的批评家们一直在抨击下述假设:市场是理性的,它受到追逐私利的理性经济主体的推动。

  • Not everyone in Tokyo thinks China is aiming for untrammelled primacy .

    并非日本的每个人都认为,中国希望 成为 为所欲为的霸主。

  • Mr Brown and Kevin Rudd Australian Prime Minister argued untrammelled globalisation crossed moral boundaries and the rebuilding of shattered markets should be founded on values held dear by all faiths .

    布朗和澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevin rudd)提出, 限制的全球化越过了道德界限,破碎市场的重建应该建立在所有宗教信仰都珍视的价值观上。

  • He 's very sceptical about the notion of untrammelled free enterprise .

    他很怀疑 约束自由企业的概念。

  • The most important thing is to be broad-minded . She loosened the button on her collar as she gazed at the outstretched ; untrammelled plain of ' the river 's lower reaches .

    最重要的问题是要胸襟开阔。她松开了领口的一个纽扣,望着下游的开人 胸襟 广阔平原。

  • No wonder those forces are so often held to be untrammelled unfettered or merely triumphant from Seattle to Shanghai .

    不用奇怪,为什么从西雅图到上海, 市场力量总是被放纵自由,也可以说 节节胜利。

  • The Kurds after enjoying almost untrammelled autonomy for nearly two decades increasingly loathe Mr Maliki 's new establishment in Baghdad ;

    无拘无束的享受了近20年自治权的 库尔德人现在愈发讨厌马利基在巴格达组建的联合 政府

  • His position was secure his home-life if not satisfactory was at least undisturbed his personal liberty rather untrammelled .

    他的地位稳固,家庭生活虽然不尽人意还是太平无事,他的个人自由也没有受到 限制

  • She thought of herself as a free woman untrammelled by family relationships .

    她觉得自己 自由自在 家庭关系的 约束

  • It is true that the extreme version of the story in which the BRICs were portrayed as lands of untrammelled opportunity and optimism was silly .

    这个故事的极端版本确实愚蠢,它把金砖国家描绘成机遇 无限、洋溢着乐观 气氛 地方

  • Its fight for the untrammelled self-expression of the individual .

    为个性 约束 自我表现而进行的战斗。