vector pattern

[ˈvɛktɚ ˈpætən][ˈvektə ˈpætən]


  • Application of support vector network in the pattern recognition of MT data

    支持 向量网络在MT资料 模式识别中的应用

  • Support vector machines for pattern recognition

    模式识别中的支持 向量机方法

  • This article analyses the link between vector description and quantitative pattern recognition proves the relation for image analysis of defects in cognition and the cognitive corresponds to the actual physical quantity .

    从宏观角度分析缺陷的 矢量描述与定量 模式识别之间的联系,验证图像分析中的缺陷认知以及该认知对应于实际物理量时的关系。

  • Application of Support Vector Machine in Pattern Classification of Surface EMG

    支持 向量机在表面肌电信号 模式分类中的应用

  • A study on Application of generalized vector sample pattern matching method to electrical capacitance tomography overall decorated house

    广义 矢量 模式匹配法在电容层析成像技术上的应用住宅全装修 模式

  • The operating object of all these linear classifiers is vector pattern i.e. before applying them any non - vector pattern should be firstly vectorized into a vector pattern .

    然而现有的线性分类器几乎都是针对 向量 模式的,即所有的 模式都采用向量表示,要应用于矩阵表示的模式,必须首先将矩阵 模式转换成向量模式。

  • Support vector machine is a pattern recognition methods based on statistical learning theory can successfully deal with classification and regression problem it also has many application direction .

    支持 向量机作为基于统计学习理论的 模式识别方法,可以很好地处理分类以及回归问题,在很多领域都有应用。

  • A technology of fine structural interpretation and analysis which uses knowledge base built on expert experience geological knowledge and dip arrow pattern theory is provided to resolve the question in which one combination vector pattern can correspond to more than one structural types .

    根据专家经验、地区知识和倾角模式理论所建立的知识库进行的交互式精细构造解释和分析解决了倾角测井构造解释的多解 问题,保证 倾角解释的正确性;

  • Support vector machine methods in pattern recognition of sedimentary facies

    应用 SVM方法进行沉积微相识别

  • Dipmeter vector plot pattern method to identify subsurface structures

    判断地下构造的倾角测井 矢量模式

  • The AR bispectrum model is presented and is used to obtain the amplitude bispectral structure of PCG signal . The parameters of AR bispectrum model are proposed to form the features vector for the pattern classification of PCG signals .

    建立了心音信号的AR双谱模型,获得了心音的双谱幅度图,并采用模型参数作为特征 参量对心音信号进行了二类 模式识别。

  • Vector Calculation in Costume Pattern Grading

    服装 样板放码新方法& 矢量法的研究

  • The statistic learning theory and the method of supporting vector mechanism pattern identification base on it are described aiming to the hypothesis of big number theorem in traditional pattern identification theory .

    针对传统统计模式识别理论中基于大数定理的假设,介绍了统计学习理论和以该理论为基础的支持 向量模式识别方法。

  • Then LCMV ( linearly constrained minimum covariance ) method and the modified covariance matrix were adopted in the new approach to obtain weight vector of adaptive pattern .

    进而利用线性约束最小均方算法(LCMV)和修改后的 波束空间求解方向 的权 向量w。

  • The vector texture pattern is a pattern formed by distributing one or several kinds of vector elements with certain rules .

    所谓 矢量纹理 图案是指出一种或几种矢量图案元素按照一定的规则分布而形成的纹理图案。

  • In this paper an iterative algorithm is presented to compute weight vector of adaptive pattern .

    提出了一种计算自适应 方向 向量的迭代算法。

  • For this reason Liu-Dehua and others proposed the concept of vector pattern of well-net in 2004 which is based on reservoir description the premise of maximum control of reserves and is for the purpose of improving single oil well production .

    为此刘德华等人于2004年提出以油藏描述为基础,最大限度控制储量为前提,提高单井效益为目的的 矢量网的概念。

  • As a result of taking different voltage vector control pattern according to the range of current deviation the appropriate converter possesses more quick dynamic response and eliminates harmonic current component .

    新方案根据电流偏差的大小,采用不同的电压 矢量控制 模式,使变流器网侧电流获得了较快的动态响应,同时也抑制了谐波电流。

  • Four feature parameters were selected as vector parameter of pattern recognition for recognizing disease leaves and normal leaves .

    在此基础上,人工选择出3个特征参数作为进行病变与正常、斑疹病与角斑病 模式识别的特征 矢量

  • Design of vector well pattern and optimization of integral fracturing in low permeability reservoir

    低渗透油藏 矢量设计与整体压裂优化研究

  • Supporting vector machine pattern recognition to NIR spectra of heroin drugs from the different sources

    不同来路海洛因近红外光谱的支持 向量模式识别

  • Since Hong introduces the Singular Value ( SV ) algebra into Image Recognition in 1991 the SV vector as excellent pattern feature has been widely studied and applied .

    自从Hong于1991年把奇异值(SV)代数引入图像识别中以来,奇异 作为良好的 模式特征得到了广泛的研究和应用。

  • An Approach to Image Texture Segmentation Based on the Theory of Vector Fuzzy Pattern Recognition

    基于 向量模糊 模式识别的纹理图像分割方法

  • Vector well pattern is an integrated well spacing method based on the geological vector of which purpose is to determine reasonable development mode in consideration with various factors .

    矢量化井 是建立在地质矢量化之上的一种综合布井方式,综合考虑多种因素后达到合理开发油藏的目的。

  • Concept of Vector Well Pattern and Method of Well Pattern Arrangement

    矢量化井 的概念及布井方法初探

  • Relationship Between Medial Axis Pattern of Plant Leaf and Mechanics Self-Adaptability (ⅱ): Vein Structures with Different Vector Angles and Topological Pattern of Plant Leaf

    植物叶片中轴图式与力学自适应性的关系(Ⅱ)&不同 向量角的叶脉结构和叶片拓扑

  • Support vector machine is a pattern recognition algorithm based on statistical learning theory .

    支撑 矢量机( SVMsupport VectorMachine)是基于统计学习理论的一种 模式识别方法。

  • A comparison of vector and gridded data pattern by GIS

    GIS中 矢量与栅格数据 模型比较