


  • They 'll be adding vancomycin to the water supply soon .

    很快会往我们的供水系统里添加 万古霉素

  • The agent does not affect other drugs used to treat MRSA infections including vancomycin daptomycin or rifampicin ;

    但该化合物并不影响用于治疗MRSA感染的其它药物(包括 万古霉素、达托霉素或利福平);

  • Analysis of results of serum concentration of Vancomycin in severe case of pneumonia in children

    重症肺炎患儿 万古霉素 浓度监测结果分析

  • Nephrotoxicity and serum trough concentration of vancomycin in patients with bacterial pneumonia

    万古霉素 治疗细菌性肺炎患者时血药谷浓度与肾毒性相关性研究

  • Clinical Research of Dandelion With Vancomycin Treating Methicillin-resistant Coagulase-negative Staphylococci Infection

    蒲公英与 万古霉素 联合治疗耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌感染

  • The team found that the genes were encoded for toxins that appeared in lab testing to be active against pathogens resistant to the antibiotic vancomycin which is commonly used to treat infections in the gut .

    该团队发现,在实验室试验中似乎可以积极抑制耐 万古霉素(普遍用于治疗肠道感染的抗生素)病原体的毒素基因已经完成了编码。

  • To investigate the changes in pathogenicity toxicity and pathological features of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to vancomycin for clinical reference in diagnosis and treatment .

    目的了解金葡菌 万古霉素 耐药后毒力和致病性变化规律及病变特征,为临床正确诊断和合理治疗奠定基础。

  • But all these Staphylococcus was sensitive to vancomycin .

    但所有葡萄球菌皆 万古霉素敏感。

  • For example both penicillin and vancomycin obstruct cell wall synthesis in gram-positive bacteria causing them to lyse .

    例如,青霉素和 万古霉素都可以阻止革兰阳性菌细胞壁的合成,最终导致这种细胞溶解。

  • This case suggests that vancomycin overdosage can produce reversible renal impairment in preterm neonates .

    这例病人提示,过量的 万古霉素可引起早产儿可逆性肾损害。

  • Comparative Proteome Research of the Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus Faecalis


  • Effects and Drug Resistances of Vancomycin Administered in Different Dosage in Rats MRSA Pneumonia Model


  • Strain resistant to imiperem or vancomycin was not verified .

    未发现耐亚胺培南和 万古霉素的菌株。

  • Inhibition of staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm by a combination of gallium nitrate and vancomycin

    硝酸镓和 万古霉素抑制表皮葡萄球菌生物膜形成的协同作用

  • The pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in the elderly patients with MRSA infected lower respiratory tract


  • Hemolytic strains were found to be more resistant to all the9 antibiotics tested except amikacin and vancomycin .

    除丁胺卡那、 万古霉素外,溶血性肠球菌对抗生素的耐药性明显高于非溶血株。

  • Pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic Research of Vancomycin with Continuous Infusion in Patients with Bacterial Pneumonia

    细菌性肺炎患者 万古霉素持续静滴的PK/PD研究

  • The Study on the Antibacterial Activity of Cefathiamidine Combine with Vancomycin Against Grams Positive Cocci

    头孢硫脒与 万古霉素药物对革兰阳性球菌的 联合 研究

  • Quality Evaluation of Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection

    注射用盐酸 万古霉素制剂的质量评价研究

  • Evaluation of vancomycin and teicoplanin in the treatment of infection caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in intensive care unit


  • A study on the screening of fungal strains and the degradation of COD in vancomycin production wastewater

    有效降解 万古霉素废水COD的真菌菌株筛选及研究

  • Vancomycin and ( or ) amikacin may be first chosen to treat CRS .

    万古霉素和(或)阿米卡星可作为治疗CRS的首选 用药

  • Vancomycin is the most effective medicine for the therapy of MRS and Nitrofurantoin ranks second .

    认为MRS以 万古霉素治疗效果最佳,其次为呋喃妥因。

  • Investigation and Analysis of the Use of Vancomycin in Surgical Department in 2007

    2007年我院外科病房应用 万古霉素调查分析

  • In vitro activity of antimicrobial agents of linezolid teicoplanin and vancomycin against gram-positire cocci clinical isolates

    利奈唑胺、替考拉宁和 万古霉素等抗菌药物对常见需氧革兰阳性球菌的体外抗菌活性

  • Because they only affect gram-positive bacteria penicillin and vancomycin are considered narrow spectrum antibiotics .

    由于青霉素和 万古霉素仅仅对革兰阳性菌有效,所以它们被认为是窄谱抗生素。

  • LC-MS analysis of impurities of vancomycin hydrochloride

    盐酸 万古霉素中杂质的LC-MS分析

  • The treatment time of teicoplanin is shorter than vancomycin .

    替考拉宁较之 万古霉素 使用时间更短。

  • The invention provides a processing method of vancomycin fermentation residue .

    本发明提供了一种 万古霉素发酵废渣的处理方法。

  • Secondly there have been a number of clinical studies that suggest that patients who have vancomycin MIC of2 have increased risk of vancomycin treatment failures .

    第二,有一些临床研究暗示如果病人的 万古霉素MIC值为2,那么他们的万古霉素治疗失败机率增加北京翻译公司。